Is unlawful entry into Mexico a crime?
In the U.S. there is a federal law making unauthorized entry into the
country illegal. Does Mexico have similar law?
The form of the question suggest that the person asking it may not be familiar with the distinction between something being "illegal" and something being a "crime". The notion that they are the same is a common misconception.
Illegal entry into Mexico is illegal and has legally authorized consequences, although it is not a crime.
###Civil Consequences For Immigration Law Violations In Mexico
There are civil fines for violating immigration laws in Mexico based on a multiple of the minimum wage, ranging from 20 days of minimum wage to 10,000 days of minimum wage, depending upon the offense and its severity (one day's minimum wage is 88.36 pesos). Articles 143-158. So fines range from 1767.2 pesos to 883,600 pesos for immigration violations. Today's exchange rate is 19.4 pesos to $1. So, these fines range from $91 USD to $45,546 USD.
###Immigration Related Crimes In Mexico