Under Data Privacy laws, the user has a right to access their data, erasure, etc. Yet under Twitch the users have no way to access their own logs, only the streamer and a team of mods.
This has always struck me as odd, that I can one day, theoretically, start recieving personal information about myself, where I was, what I was watching, what I was typing, from an unknown party (mods) who has access to information that I didn't even know had been stored, accessed or perhaps that I didn't even know exist if sufficent time passed.
It's something i've noticed recently, with the most recent unban system put in place. Users are requesting for unbans yet given no insight into what they said prior to being banned. Yet, years after the fact, these logs are available for mods to see. I believe the user should have access to that information and indeed the right of erasure in case of personal information accidentally being posted. Would I be mistaken?
I compare it to something like Youtube comments. Where one can very easily modify, delete and view a history of their logs. Even Facebook has the choice to download a file of everything they have on record for their chat history and activity. Curious how Twitch avoids this responsibility when the act of commenting on Twitch feels no different than Youtube or Facebook commenting.