Our subdivision has a total of 50 lots with about 65 owners of those 50 lots (e.g. a lot jointly owned by husband and wife).
My question is around formation of a Home Owners Association.
A little background : There are 4 pieces of land in our subdivision that are jointly owned by all lot owners as per the original 1903 Plat dedication. We will call these properties "jointly owned properties" or JOPs from here on. These JOPs are adjacent to a lake and provide lake access to non-riparian property owners of our subdivision. As per a couple of court orders in 1990 and 1991 borne out of conflict between riparian and non-riparian property owners of our subdivision, a non-profit voluntary HOA needs to be formed to govern the use of these JOPs which we are trying to form now after so many years. A copy of these orders can be found here : 1990 Court Order 1991 Court Order
I have the following question :
Q1) Is there a minimum number of lot owners that must agree to join the HOA for a voluntary non-profit HOA to be viable?