First of all, trademarks are specific to a country. The mark refereed to in the question was registered in the UK, It has no effect in the US, Canada, Europe, or anywhere outside the UK.
Secondly, trademarks are normally restricted by category (except for "famous" marks). This mark was registered in class 43, graphic arts design. So any use outside tht category would not be in fringing.
Thirdly, this mark was registered on 12 November 2021. One who can prove continuing use in trade prior to that date may be able to claim exemption, even if the use is in the UK and in class 42.
Fourthly, if the tr4adfemark seems to be invalid under UK law, ther are procedures to challange it. But these are available only for a limited time after registration.
Fifthly, if the applicant does not use the mark, it can be canceled after a number of years.
Sixthly, the mark is protected only if it is used as a brand name or designation of source, or in such a way that i reasonably implies thstm the product or service is sponsored by or approved by the owner of the trademark. Other uses are not infringing.