
During the Presidential Debate that took place on June 27, 2024, between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Mr. Trump challenged President Biden to take a cognitive test to prove that he is mentally fit to be reelected as the POTUS.

I would like to know if this publicly televised challenge had violated one or more HIPPA laws.

Is challenging an elderly American politician to take a cognitive test a violation of HIPPA law(s)?

1 Answer 1


The privacy-protecting rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) apply to covered entities and business associates of those entities. These rules require those entities to protect individuals' health information.

But HIPAA regulations expressly allow the covered entity to disclose protected health information if the individual agrees (Title 45 § 164.510). And HIPAA does not apply to prevent Donald Trump from requesting that Joe Biden voluntarily undergo and disclose the results of a cognitive test.


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