I worked in a disreputable computer store. We sold fake cache chips that were supposed to speed up the computer but didn't do anything at all. I declined to sell them and assumed I would be fired, but the owner just shrugged and said "Okay."
People came in and sold stolen stuff all the time, which we resold. Generally, those people didn't know what they were selling. "Aww, that's just cheap, used printer memory. I'll give you 5 bucks for it." In fact, it was expensive laser printer memory that he sold as new for 200 bucks. That guy even ripped off people who he was giving money to.
There was an article in the Arlington Gazette about a possible stolen computer parts ring in the county.
When I got a job with the Justice Department, I quit. It was amicable, but I asked for all the backed up vacation pay for time I didn't take. He smiled and gave me a smug doubletalk answer. I couldn't have sued him for it, because our agreement was informal. He paid me in cash. I couldn't even prove I had worked there.
All the laptops we rented were stolen. He scratched off the serial numbers.
If I had threatened to call the cops unless he paid me for my vacation, would that have been extortion orblackmail, given that I was perfectly free to reveal that information without demanding anything?
note: someone made this question invisible because it's similar to another question (see comment). But that other question involved an activity that wasn't "indictable."