Not really.
Every ship needs to carry the flag of a country (the "flag state" of the ship), and this state defines the laws which are valid on a ship. So if you kill somebody on a ship flying the Swiss flag, you'll be prosecuted in Switzerland, even if that happens somewhere in the pacific ocean. Since copyright infringement is mostly a civil matter, somebody would need to file a lawsuit first.
In theory, there's the possibility for a ship to not fly a flag. That's however bad for a variety of reasons (mostly safety). Here's a question trying to answer what might happen if your ship has no flag. Notably, it does not prevent you from being boarded.
How they would start an investigation over there and whether they would have the workforce to really take you down (assuming you're using various international satelite services) is a different question. But as always: A crime that is hard to prevent doesn't make it less illegal.
Edit: Based on the comments, a thought about the possible revenue of trying this hypothetical.
You will need to refill your fuel and rations once in a while. For this you need to enter a port, where it gets difficult if you don't have a proper registration. So lets use another, properly registered, vessel to transport those to your "warez ship", but that second ship adds to your costs. And you will need quite a bit of fuel to run the generators that power the servers and routers you have on board. If you want to power them all from solar panels, you would need quite a big boat to have reasonable room, but I believe that would be doable. So lets calculate with two 50ft sailboats, properly equipped they're at roughly $1M each. Then you need crew - since it's illegal anyway disregard working regulations, but add hush money - $100k per year. Not including maintenance costs.
I seriously doubt your warez server, running on a slow satellite network and with rather low-power hardware, will provide you with enough revenue to pay all this. It will be much cheaper and easier to rent a server in some existing country with minimal prosecution for internet crimes.