Scenario: HOA Property Management in Las Vegas, NV vs me over unpaid monthly dues.
I wasn't aware that my HOA had changed its Payment P.O. Box a few months ago and hence, my automated monthly payments began being rejected albeit most have been received.
I've been out-of-state for the past few months and hence, finally got a note from a law firm stating that I was delinquent.
I contacted my HOA and they claim I owe them pass due + penalty fee + admin fee + collection fee.
I told them that I want credit on all payments received within the past six months as noted via my bank's statement (as proof of payment) and I'll pay the difference plus the late fee. I refuse to pay the huge collection fee, being that I've been paying monthly in good standing; that the problem was a technical one syncing the bank with the HOA.
I had left a few voice messages and have sent a few e-mails but I haven't received a response since our initial encounter.
So I'm left with no acknowledgement that the collection agency is to be cancelled plus the collection charge void. Nor have I receive a response from my request to pay the difference due.
Question: can the HOA still slap a lien against my property and if so, is it possible for my HOA to force the sale of my property to recover cost?
My wife is freaking out on this.
Meanwhile, I intend to file a Better Business Bureau complaint against my HOA. And if necessary, file a small-claims court suit.
The aggregate requested (dues + fees) cost is about $1000.00:
Assessments $570.69 Late Fees $60.00 Interest $5.71 Admin Fees $35.00 Collection Charges $331.53 Total: $1002.93