I often receive emails asking me to do something in exchange of potentially getting some prize (e.g. Amazon Gift Card).
Example 1:
A great bonus is that if you download Riffiti in the next 48 hours from receiving this email, you could win a $100 Amazon Gift Card.
Example 2:
Attend the session this Thursday 3pm-5pm in 32-124. Refreshments will be served. You can also win a couple giftcards by responding via their google doc!
Example 3:
The study involves completing a 20-45 minute online questionnaire. You will have the opportunity to enter a lottery to win a $250 Amazon.com gift card.
Example 4:
Teams that come up with the best plan will be entered into a lottery to win an extra $20 Amazon gift card.
Example 5:
Bring Your Own Mug and Win a $10 Gift Card from Flour - Everyone who brings their own mug and helps to reduce waste can enter a raffle for a $10 flour gift card.
Example 6:
If you fill this form, we'll enter you in raffle for several $50 Amazon gift cards.
Are senders obliged to actually gave the announced prize to someone? Or can they simply have no prize at all?
Assumes that everything happens in the United States, and more specifically in California or in Massachusetts.