I am an amateur musician who often performs (sings, plays guitar, plays piano) at church. I attend a Unitarian Universalist congregation, and so the songs are often secular ones (a recent one was Lenny Kravitz's "Let Love Rule").
I play by ear, so my work process is the following:
Find the lyrics via Google and copy them to a MS-Word file
Find the song on Spotify or Youtube
Listen and write down the chords on the lyrics sheet (i.e. create a lead sheet)
- Decide if the native key is appropriate. If not, transpose the chords to the desired key.
- Practice
- Perform it in the church service (utilizing my self-created lead sheet)
Are there any copyright issues with what I described? Would it be any different if I shared my lead sheet with a couple of friends who performed the song with me?
I understand that no license is needed to perform any type of music in a church service. I suppose my question pertains specifically to my creating and utilizing the lead sheet.