Where does fault lie in the following situation; and what tickets if any should be issued according to Illinois Motor Vehicle Code and why?
Please cite IL MVC code that applies.
A 3 lane (unmarked) road exists that traverses north/south. Side street parking is allowed on the north bound lane. Side street parking is not allowed on the south bound lane and is marked as such.
A vehicle traveling south is hugging their right curb as parked cars exist on the north bound lane. Traffic is moving in both directions with the center lane being used by north bound vehicles.
A vehicle traveling south signals to turn left while in the right portion of their lane and comes to a stop to allow a oncoming traffic to clear and allow a truck to exit the private drive that they wish to turn in. (There is insufficient space for the South bound vehicle and the truck to use the private drive at the same time.)
The south bound vehicle waits for the truck to finish its left turn and then proceed in front of the south bound vehicle. The south bound vehicle waits to ensure no additional north bound vehicles are coming (the truck obscures some of the road until it is further south) and then proceeds to make a left turn. At this time a 2nd vehicle traveling south comes up behind the waiting vehicle and proceeds to pass the vehicle assuming it's a parked car. The 1st vehicle proceeds to make a left turn and collides with the 2nd vehicle. The 2nd vehicle swerves more to the left in an attempt to avoid the accident; but the accident occurs anyway.
The 2nd vehicle states the 1st vehicles hazard lights were on and that they thought they were parked being that far to the right. They indicate as a stationary vehicle they have an obligation to ensure it is safe to proceed before pulling out into traffic.
The 1st vehicle states their turn signal was on; and had simply been waiting for a free and clear moment to turn left. They indicate they were not parked; and therefore had no obligation to check if it was clear behind them.
Again who is at fault or what %'s of fault should be applied and why?
For purposes of explanation's the 1st south bound vehicle can be called vehicle #1(red). The 2nd south bound vehicle can be called vehicle #2 (black). The truck can be called Vehicle #3 (blue).
At this time these are the two IL-MVC codes which seem to apply; but there very well may be others; and I'm not sure 801 applies at it seems to be for intersections which I'm unsure this is.