I am a seaman and I have a work contract undersigned by both sides. In mentioned contract I have a paragraph saying, that:
The payslip and balance payment will be forwarded after evaluation of the work hour protocols until the 15th of the following month.
Another paragraph:
For every day on board (24h), the crew member is entitled to 0,5 days leave/holiday (12h).
And in next paragraph it is written, that:
The seaman is entitled to paid leave in accordance with legal regulations of §§ 56 to 64 of the German Maritime Labour Act. The calendar year is the basis for the calculation of working days and times off. Place of vacation as per the meaning of the German Maritime Labour Act is the hometown of the crew member.
Correct me, please, if I am wrong, but as I unserstand well, for leave/holiday
money I should wait until the end of the year? Or 15th of each following month?
In first case, if the contract does not mention this, when should I have to be paid for leave/holiday
Thank you in advance for your interpretation.