Given the recent ruling in regards to the EU-US Privacy Shield and GDPR [1] would it still be possible to implement a global system with regional data sources? Specifically can you request a user email and process it in a location that may be outside EU with the explicit purpose of determining whether that the user should use a EU tenant or not for the rest of their session?
I have a software-as-a-service product with a global footprint. Most data is not classified as PII and so is stored in all regions. For data deemed PII I would like to store it in the appropriate region only. So when a user logs in to their account, the idea was to have them enter their email address, look up their region in a mapping table of a hashed value of the email address to a region, available globally and use that information to send all PII related browser requests to the regional servers only.
Follow up example:
Let’s say I still have a global software-as-a-service company. I set up two different data centres, one in EU, and one outside. When new clients are onboarded the select their region. How do I handle authentication in this case? One option is to give the clients different urls depending on region e.g. and but that would not be an ideal user experience. Under GDPR, is there no way of having something like and depending on metadata associated with their profile or username automatically determine where to send them?