Consider a situation where non-US citizen parents (say Indian parents) have a child in US thus child is US citizen by birth. They obtain birth certificate and passport for the child and go back to India with the child. Then all of a sudden, birth certificate requirement changes like April 2011 rule or in worst case like this Puerto Rico Birth Ceritificate Invalidation.
Birth certificate is needed to obtain minors passport. Now the issue is minors passport cannot be obtained after previous one expires if birth certificate does not match up with new requirement.
Also Birth certificate cannot be obtained if you are out of US soil.
What are the options for Indian citizen parents in such a case if they cannot come to US:
- Can we hire an attorney who can obtain birth certificate and send it to India via fedex ?
- If yes - what kind of attorney ? family law ? immigration ? estate planning ?
- Can attorney mail the birth certificate from US to India (in other words is it legally allowed to mail birth certificate out of country) ?
- How can we prove that we indeed hired attorney and we authorize attorney to obtain birth certificate on our behalf, while we (parents) are not in the US ?