I paid a guy to modify a keyboard over two months ago. I had been in frequent contact contact with him and suddenly he stopped contacting me late last February. He said it would take two weeks when I first came to him.
I met up with him in person at personal shop, not a store nor his home, to give him the gear. I asked him to hand over a bass as collateral so I’d have something to hold onto in case he didn’t make good and finish the mod, but my shrewdness wasn’t so shrewd; I didn’t check if the value was close enough. It’s a third of the gear I gave him.
Calling the cops over a six week delay of someone’s side project is too much, so don’t think I’m itching to call. But I’d like to have the knowledge for if this stretches for much longer; if you have been defrauded/scammed in this way, can you call the police?