Here are the facts of my case.
P (Plaintiff) rides her horse into town. P decides to stop at D’s (Defendant) grocery store. In D’s car park she ties the horse to a pole, where there is also a bicycle. P doesn’t notice the red sign above the space where the horse is standing. This says:
‘Free two hour parking for all customers when they shop at D’s: D’s accepts no liability for any loss to customers, howsoever caused.’
While P is shopping, D’s employees spray the area around the pole with disinfectant, which causes the horse to die. When P complains, D draws her attention to D's sign and tells P that D is not liable to pay P any damages for P's loss.
I called Citizens Advice. A solicitor advised me that CRA 2015 s 65 (Bar on exclusion or restriction of negligence liability) doesn’t prevent exclusion of liability for the death of P's horse. Why not?
What exactly did D breach? I'm guessing CRA s 49 (Service to be performed with reasonable care and skill)?