I will shamefully admit that it was only in the year 2021 that I finally built my own bookkeeping system. Yes, I should have done it 10-20 years ago, but I didn't. So now I'm in this situation:
First of all, I logged in to my bank (Nordea in Sweden) and discovered that it now only supported dumping data from not very long ago at all. I think it was just a couple of years, or even months. So I contacted them.
They responded that they "will not" give me any data that is older than 10 years, but that I can exploit a secret bug (yes, they actually said this...) on their website to basically ignore multiple error messages and force their website to keep feeding me data, until it hit 10 years back. That's when it stopped feeding any data, so I dumped the CSV and exported it into my own local database.
So now I have all my bank transactions between the first day of 2009 up until today. (Yes, that "10 year" limit was slightly off, so you clearly cannot trust a single word they or their website claims...)
I also tried to analyze the JSON data blobs and modify the requests to fetch older data, but it just displayed error messages then.
But obviously, the bank does have all my old transactions in their real database. I don't believe for a second that they have actually thrown it away, or that they ever will.
So why won't they give it to me? They didn't state a reason, and I kept asking repeatedly in different ways, but they consistently just told me that data older than 10 years isn't available or some cryptic sentencing like that. They didn't explicitly mention it, but many other companies keep using this stupid "GDPR" nonsense as an excuse to not give me their data, and perhaps this is somehow related to this.
But still. This is my own data. Not the data of somebody else. It's my personal bank account, and I'm logged in securely to prove my identity. I'm not asking for this via e-mail!
Clearly, they are unwilling to hand it out, but is there some way for me to force them to do so against their will? That is, without "going to court".
It really annoys me that I don't have a full transaction history to analyze. Can they be forced/persuaded?
PS: I've even offered to pay them money for it, but even if you pay them, the time limit is still "10 years".