What is permitted by law?
The neighbour has erected a 7'4'' high fence which is over 10' high in one stretch. Since we are 2' lower, this makes the fence 9'4'' high and 12' high.
What height does the law permit?
Notes (added due to questions in comments and answers):
The main fence is a solid wooden fence.
The addition to the top in the past 3 weeks is a tarpaulin with a wooden frame around it. It blocks light. That makes it 7'4'' high (9'4'' on our side).
About 2 years ago the 10' high section (12' on our side) was erected, which is a solid wood fence with a tarpaulin with a wooden frame around it about 5' over the top of the wooden fence. The latter is so high it is in front of our television aerial.
In 2014 he increased the solid wood part of the fence from 4' high (6' on our side) to 6' high (8' on our side). The original border for 40 years was 4' high (6' on our side).
The majority of the fence is between our property and the neighbour's property. However, there is about a 1 to 2 metres stretch which is adjacent to the pavement which is facing the road. (That bit does impede our sightline when leaving the drive.)