I am owner of "EXAMPLE" word. This Trademark word is registered on November 2021. This trademark is registered in only India.
Now one Android app in Google Play Store is using this trademark word in their App's Logo, Title and description. I filed a complaint to Google team through legal firm. But Google rejected complaint by saying
We have reviewed your submission, but are unable to determine the merits of your claim. As a result, we are unable to suspend the app at issue.
My lawyer said Given app is live on play store since July 2020, and I registered trademark in 2021, so this app can use this trademark.
I don't know about this. Is it true that any app using my trademark name before I registered it can use it?
Is there anything I can do to remove that app from play store or make developer of that app to remove trademark word from their app?
This EXAMPLE word is not registered in any country, I am the first one who registered this keyword in India.