I ate in a restaurant one day and paid with my Discover credit card. The restaurant reluctantly accepted it but told me that this card incurs a higher fee to them. The next day after my meal, they refused to accept this same credit card. I happened to carry enough cash with me and paid with cash instead.
My question: Do I have the legal right to insist on making the payment with my Discover credit card? If not, what if I only carry one Discover credit card with me? That is, what if this is the only payment method that I can offer?
Just a side note: Discover's website says that "Discover is accepted nationwide by 99% of the places that take credit cards." But practically many places have the ability to charge a Discover card but prefer not accept it. Not a legal issue but a frustrating observation.
Edit I called Discover customer service and here is their response:
Just go to places where Discover Credit Cards are accepted.
Doesn't sound very helpful.