Who doubts that in Law, we should never even hint there was a possibility of any infraction, and so what?
This situation is one you can only fly by the seat of your pants, and as the moment dictates… assuming your speeding was not what many drivers would consider excessive in the circumstances. That must take into account both to what extent you were speeding, and whether your offence was in a built-up area or on an open high-way.
Jim's earlier Answer was quite right. I've been in the same situation more than once and through simply fessing up to the speed I was doing, got right off - an even better result than Jim's reduction.
In every jurisdiction, every officer has an attitude. If you can't read that attitude, or course fall back on zipped lips.
Every officer also has far too much paperwork to complete for every ticket issued…
That means that if you can tell you're not dealing with a martinet and your offence really was fairy trivial, there's a good chance you will get away with accepting some personal advice instead of any kind of official warning.
"No, I was not speeding" will never help you.
"Yes, I was speeding" might help you.
"Uh… you know what… I'm not really sure… It's not impossible I was going a bit above the limit…" will often make all the difference if your officer accepts that you're sorry.
If your speeding was not trivial, why not just suck it up?