the immoral traffic prevention act which deals with prostitution laws has some provisons specifically
Section 5 of the above Act states:
Procuring, inducing or taking person for the sake of prostitution.--
(1) any person who--
(a) procures or attempts to procure a person, whether with or without his consent, for the purpose of prostitution; or
(b) induces a person to go from any place, with the intent that he may for the purpose of prostitution become the inmate of, or frequent, a brothel; or
(c) takes or attempts to take a person, or causes a person to be taken, from one place to another with a view to his carrying on, or being brought up to carry on prostitution; or
(d) causes or induces a person to carry on prostitution;
By this definition if someone compels another into extortion and the person who is being extorted doesn't have money so they resort to prostitutuon. would the extorter be held liable under this act as well especially when they are negligent to this or find it amusing intending it and still continue harassing a woman into doing it or know it to be likely that they are doing prostitution but don't care and still put more pressure on the victim while openly joking about it ? what if the victim is underprivileged and means like threat or act of eviction from their home(if the extorter is a landlord) and the means used are things like threat of eviction and would this fall under rape as well ?
case going something like this
X uses extortion on Y by threatening to evict Y , Y becomes a prostitute , X either doesn't care or finds it amusing and continues doing it for entertainment
would they be guilty of this ? what charges could such person face ?