I am based out of india and has intent to launch the website in Singapore for singapore usesr where datastores and webservers will be hosted on data center in india. Is there any data protect act in singapore which does not allow to store the data outside singapore?
Yes definitely I will take the legal advise but before going them want to get some expert answers on this form which I will validate down the line.
Based on below answer from chatGPT looks like its allowed , may be with term and condition mentioned on site
Under the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) of Singapore, an organization may transfer personal data outside of Singapore only if it ensures that the recipient country provides a comparable level of data protection to Singapore's PDPA. This is known as the "adequacy" requirement.
The adequacy requirement can be satisfied in several ways, such as obtaining the individual's consent to transfer the data, entering into a legally binding agreement with the recipient to ensure compliance with the PDPA, or ensuring that the recipient country has a data protection regime that provides a level of protection that is comparable to the PDPA.
Therefore, it is possible to store Singapore user data outside of Singapore if the recipient country provides a comparable level of data protection to Singapore's PDPA, or if the organization has obtained the individual's consent or entered into a legally binding agreement that ensures compliance with the PDPA