Couple conceives a child. Although the couple is not married legally assume the couple is happy and wants to remain together. They are a long standing couple and have no desire to split up. Child was conceived due to a failure in birth control.
There is no question or denial of paternity.
Father does not want the child.
Mother does want the child.
Assuming abortion is legal in all instances. I know a mother can choose to have or abort a child without the father's consent. Should she morally be okay with that. (My goal is not a question on abortion) But what rights does the father have should he not want the child? If the mother decides to birth and keep the child, against the father's wishes, what legal responsibilities does the father have regarding support?
Removing abortion itself from the issue....
What can a father do to legally terminate all responsibility toward an unwanted child??
A mother may have several different options available to her, however what does the father have? It would seem ultimately the father has no rights to refuse an unwanted child. Is this true?
(Note: I'm not even attempting to support or condone "deadbeat" parents in any way. Or provide an "out" to men that want to shirk responsibilities. That's not the question. If there is a responsibility to support a child, it should be honored in all instances without exception.)