Suppose a commercial language learning app displays a single sentence at a time to a user, with the purpose of reviewing the sentence to learn new words.
In order to get examples of natural sentences for learning use, would it be considered fair use in terms of copyright to take sentences from news websites?
Reviewing the factors from: In the US, when is fair use a defense to copyright infringement?
Factor 1: Purpose and character of use
- The app is for language learning so is therefore of an educational use (weighs in favour)
- The app is commercial (weighs against)
Factor 2: The nature of the copyrighted work
- "[T]he scope of fair use is generally broader when the source of borrowed expression is a factual or historical work" (Campbell). (weighs in favour since news articles are factual)
Factor 3: Amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
- Only one sentence at a time is displayed to the user (weighs in favour)
Factor 4: Effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work
- It is extremely unlikely that users of the app will be drawn away from using the original news website.
All 4 factors seem to be in favour apart from the commercial nature of the app.
Question: Would this be in favour of fair use even though the app is of a commercial nature?
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