In 2023 a court/jury ruled that Trump should pay $5 million dollars to EJ Carroll. I understand he has submitted that money to the court which is holding it pending an appeal. But I can find no details of the current status of the appeal itself.
The original case was Carroll v Trump, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 22-10016. It is often known as Carroll II.
This answer from September 2023 points to a claim of immunity. This has already been rejected by the appeals court in December 2023. The Washington Post (29 January 2024) says:
Q: Has Trump already paid the $5 million he owes Carroll? [...]
A: Trump is appealing that first $5 million jury verdict, but per standard court practice, he has already put about $5.5 million into an escrow account so it is available once the appeal is decided.
Has Trump submitted a motion appealing the Appeals court ruling and is it that that is stopping him from having to pay Carroll? Are there any details on the current status ? Has the Supreme court granted cert? Is there another appeal that is holding back the payment? Perhaps most importantly, when is Carroll likely to receive payment assuming Trump loses all the appeals?