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Questions tagged [alberta]

Questions concerning the laws, criminal justice system, civil court procedures and related topics specific to the Canadian province of Alberta.

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2 answers

Can a property management company sign a lease as a company?

My lease does not have a physical name where it says landlord but rather the company name. It's also signed as the company name. Is that legal ?
norm average's user avatar
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Employment Law, Gender Discrimination for Male Servers

I work at a fairly large restaurant chain in Alberta, Canada (they have locations across both Canada and USA) as a male server/waitress. Servers are paid often the same base wage of $15/hour with tips ...
The math god's user avatar
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Can a neighbor legally attach something to the top rail of an existing common fence in Alberta?

My neighbor built a shed on their side of our common fence. They used the top rail to rest the end boards and also the roof supports on that end. I want to replace the boards along that entire side ...
Ernie B's user avatar
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1 answer

I have mechanic licence from Turkey.Is there any way to easly get or change mechanic technician licenses in Alberta or Ontario [closed]

I am auto mechanic. I came to Canada 5 years ago I wanna do my job here but almost all places saying you need 4 years and every year 1500 hours and 8 weeks school than you can get license. Is there ...
Mert Dogan's user avatar
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Do not stop before reaching the crosswalk lines

The link says "drivers should not stop in a 'no stopping zone' because they may interfere with other vehicles that are turning from one roadway to another. This is usually where large vehicles ...
Maurice's user avatar
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-1 votes
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In urban areas, U-turns are not permitted on a roadway between intersections and at an alley intersection [closed]

Alberta's Driver's Guide says "in urban areas, U-turns are not permitted on a roadway between intersections and at an alley intersection". What would be the reason or reasons behind the ...
Maurice's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

can one turn left or right at a red light with dual lane turns?

The link Turning | says "when the light is red, if there are no signs prohibiting the turn, you may turn left on a red light from a one way to a one way after you come to a complete ...
Maurice's user avatar
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Drivers in the right lane must merge safely with traffic to the left

If apassing lane is added to a highway to allow passing, then isn't it true that when approaching the end of the passing lane, drivers in the left lane must merge safely with traffic to the right ...
Maurice's user avatar
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3 votes
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The flashing red light is treated like a stop sign

Does the flashing red light eventually turn into a steady red light before it changes to green? If so, does it always happen this way? Thank you! "Drivers facing a flashing red traffic control ...
Maurice's user avatar
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A 3 point credit is applied to your driving record for a 2-year period

Does the following statement mean that the 3 point credit is only good for 2 years and after that the credit points will disappear? "If a Government-approved defensive driving course has been ...
Maurice's user avatar
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When the yellow lights (on a sign?) are flashing, the driver must reduce speed to a maximum of 30 km/h and yield or stop for pedestrians

Is the following statement saying that when the yellow lights on the sign (see below) start flashing, caution is required? I asked the question because they don't look "electronic" to me. ...
Maurice's user avatar
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What court fees were payable in respect of the case Meads v. Meads?

Presumably one of the parties had brought the case and (at least initially) had to pay the claim/application fee to the court, whether or not they were later reimbursed. In total, when all was said ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
5 votes
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Does a store have to hire someone with conflicting views on the pandemic?

Suppose a store is considering an employee for hire when a social media review finds views that conflict with both prevailing governmental advice as well as the views of management. If the discovery ...
corsiKa's user avatar
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2 answers

How to find status of criminal prosecution (Alberta, Canada)

Calgary men charged after 864 investors lose $33M in Crowsnest Pass development Jun 10, 2016 I can't find any further news about this. I tried contacting CBC but got no reply. (Not to be confused with ...
Keith McClary's user avatar
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Helping a friend = Too many fines and not enough money

A insured a motor bike for B, who signed it over to A. Since then, A has gotten close to $1000 in photo radar tickets. After multiple attempts to stop B from speeding, A cancelled the insurance. After ...
Tamara Lepretre's user avatar
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2 answers

Are bylaws required to be given First Reading as a minimum?

In Alberta, municipal bylaws must be given three readings before they can be enacted. Typically first reading is to introduce the bylaw, second is to consider any amendments, and third the final ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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2 answers

Can my neighbor post signs on my side of the fence?

This is about a friend and not myself. The situation takes place in Alberta Canada. A friend of mine moved into his new home and the next-door neighbor demanded he pay for half the fence (Which was ...
jesse_b's user avatar
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Using BC License Plates in Alberta

I moved permanently to Alberta from BC. I now have Alberta driver's license and Alberta license plate. Can I continue using my BC license plate?
Sosuke Aizen's user avatar
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Is it legal to shoot a bow and arrow inside the limits of an urban municipality in Alberta?

I've been searching this for some time now, and so far it appears that there are no laws in Canada that prohibit shooting a arrow from a bow (with the exception of prohibited cross-bows) under the ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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Can you operate a liquor service outside a prohibited area and make deliveries into the prohibited area?

There is one small holdout in Southern Alberta where prohibition of liquor is still in effect. Consumption isn't prohibited, but the sale of liquor is. There was even a recent plebiscite where the ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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Is it illegal to give handouts to panhandlers?

In our municipality we have a public safety bylaw, and one part of the bylaw clearly states that, "No person shall engage in panhandling." The definition of panhandling in the bylaw is as follows: “...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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Is a bylaw valid if there is an error in one of its whereas statements?

We have a bylaw that references another bylaw in one of the whereas statements. It says, "WHEREAS Bylaw 1638 provides authority for..." and it doesn't really matter what bylaw 1638 provides ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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References to repealed bylaws?

Section 67 of the Municipal Government Act states: References to repealed bylaws A reference in a bylaw, enactment or document to a bylaw that has been repealed by the revised bylaws is, in ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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Is there a way to get old bylaws off the books?

I'm doing some housekeeping in our bylaws, and we have a number of bylaws that aren't anything more than bylaws to rescind other bylaws. For example, in the municipality I represent we have this ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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