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13 votes
5 answers

When, if ever, is bribery legal?

Bribing public officials, policemen, etc. to be corrupt in the execution of their duties is illegal. However, consider the following hypothetical: "Robert Payne" is a wealthy businessman. ...
In Hoc Signo's user avatar
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Is paying a news publisher to not publish negative press about you legal?

Today, I saw on the news that the prosecution in the current criminal case against former President Trump brought in a tabloid publisher to testify that Trump paid him to not publish negative press ...
In Hoc Signo's user avatar
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Is it legal to give someone money when you know they might spend it on bribes?

I've heard that, to escape dangerous regions, refugees sometimes find themselves needing to bribe border officials. This could be because they are legally not supposed to be allowed to leave the state ...
interfect's user avatar
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Does paying a holder of public office to resign constitute bribery? TV personality John Oliver has publicly offered to pay Justice Clarence Thomas to resign ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
20 votes
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Is it legal to bribe a private eye?

Suppose I ask a private eye to find out if my wife is having an affair, they do, and she pays them to keep quiet. Is this against the law of my wife and the private investigator?
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Is it bribery if your decision wasn't swayed?

I'm referencing a movie, The taking of Pelham 123. In it, as a part of the protagonists back story, he is accused of taking a bribe from a Japanese manufacturer to win a contract to supplying trains ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Is it legal to pay a person to not run for political office?

Is it legal to bribe a politician to not run for a federal office?
Someone's user avatar
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How complicated can political donations be before they are bribery? [closed]

In the US, bribing federal or state legislators to vote the way you want them to is illegal. But donating (or not donating) to their election campaigns is legal, as is telling them what you want them ...
interfect's user avatar
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The Prevention of Corruption Act in India

The section 7A of the Prevention of Corruption Act in India states: Taking undue advantage to influence public servant by corrupt or illegal means or by exercise of personal influence. Whoever ...
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-2 votes
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Would it actually be bribery for Congress to "bribe" the President?

Congress could "bribe" the President to sign a bill by including a Presidential pay raise in it, although the raise would not take effect until after an election (i.e. only works in the ...
Someone's user avatar
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Could Congress "bribe" the President to sign a bill by including a presidential pay raise?

If Congress wanted to pass a law that they expected the President to be reluctant to sign, could they legally "bribe" the President to sign the bill by including a Presidential pay raise in ...
Someone's user avatar
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5 votes
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Uber files: Can Uber offload their past responibilities by claiming they are a new company?

The recently released Uber files report how the company built a network of lobbyists in close contact with many high level government officials around the world. These relationships include suspects ...
FluidCode's user avatar
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4 answers

Isn't it a clear conflict of interest that expert witnesses are paid/compensated handsomely for their testimony?

Unless you're in some public office (in which case you are compelled to), expert witnesses are monetarily compensated "handsomely" to offer their testimony. See
chausies's user avatar
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What is the penalty for a bad-acting juror?

Let's say Bob is part of the jury during a trial. But Bob is a dishonest/bad juror. What penalties could he face, and what party would be prosecuting him? The particular scenarios I have in mind are: ...
chausies's user avatar
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Where can one file complaint re bribing witness and false evidence in NYC (Manhattan)? District Attorney?

A civil court case in New York City (Manhattan) is still being decided and a attorney brought these issues to the judge. During the proceedings of the trial, one side allegedly bribed witnesses and ...
mecappy's user avatar
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Is Kodak Black trying to suborn the president?

In this page (and, no doubt, more reputable sites, but you can seek those out for yourself), Kodak Black says If The President Them Free Me, I’m Gonna Spend 1 million on Charity within The First Year ...
Mawg's user avatar
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Can you get jail time if you were bribed forcefully against your will?

Let's say you are a judge presiding over case regarding crimes committed by a criminal group. Then, the criminal group tells you to not give them a harsh sentence or else they will get back at you by ...
RegularNormalDayGuy's user avatar
29 votes
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If the President's power to grant pardons is absolute, could he face any consequences?

Does the Presidential power to pardon include the power to avoid any consequences? Consider this hypothetical situation: An extremely rich individual (a US citizen) gets involved in a sordid love ...
DJohnM's user avatar
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Pay a company to refuse business with a specific individual?

Can I pay an apartment complex to refuse business with a specific individual? Or more generally, can I pay any company to refuse business with any specific individual? I believe that this would be ...
Robert Meyer's user avatar
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Is it illegal to pay someone to hire me? How about receiving money in exchange for hiring someone?

Is it illegal to pay someone to hire me? How about receiving money in exchange for hiring someone? Does this fall under criminal charges, and would it be considered bribery? In this hypothetical ...
Anon's user avatar
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Can "positive news coverage" be considered a "thing of value" in a bribery case? Has it ever been prosecuted in the US before?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing several corruption charges. It's a complex, multi-faceted case, but at the heart of the indictment, is a bribery charge involving "positive news ...
user27343's user avatar
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Is there any evidence of (attempted) bribery of Ukraine by Trump [closed]

I asked on out Politics site, Why is Trump not being impeached for bribery?, and one answer (with 5 upvotes currently) said The answer to this one is simple - the only logical reason to drop this ...
Mawg's user avatar
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Extortion, bribery or hush money?

Hypothetical: someone (Party A) hit or stole from another person (party B), and then a report was made to the police. Party A confesses to the police, but then offers money to the police detective (...
JEREMY HORTON's user avatar
3 votes
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What does the US Constitution mean by "bribery"?

The US Constitution mentions several specific crimes as impeachable offences. Among these is "bribery". In the English language as it existed at the time of the framers, did this single term refer ...
DJohnM's user avatar
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Elements of bribery: what is a "thing of value"?

There is lately some suggestion that a US president who withholds aid to a foreign country on the condition that the foreign country investigate a political opponent constitutes bribery. The ...
phoog's user avatar
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Is the restriction on receiving a "present" in the Emoluments Clause applicable?

The Emolument Clause: No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept ...
curiousguy's user avatar
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What laws would be broken if a university professor accepted money in exchange for better grades?

Suppose a student in an ordinary university offered $100 to his professor (or Teaching Assistant) in exchange for a five percentage point improvement in his grade. Suppose the professor/TA accepted it ...
CodyBugstein's user avatar
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For a politician, is a lunch outing with Warren Buffet considered a $650,000 gift?

There is a story in the news about Nikki Haley (now former US ambassador to the UN) taking trips in a friend's (and political supporter's) private jet. See story: Watchdog wants investigation of ...
CodyBugstein's user avatar
2 votes
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Bribery? $1 million pledged against Collins if she backs Kavanaugh

$1 million pledged against Collins if she backs Kavanaugh "The senator and her Republican colleagues are decrying the effort in Maine as attempted bribery, as attention shifts from Kavanaugh's ...
gatorback's user avatar
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When does a referral fee become bribery? (UK)

If a company makes an offer like this: Thanks for using the free product. If you think your company would benefit from the advanced features of the premium product, please tell the [person ...
Rob's user avatar
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1 answer

Could a wealthy person legally pay an elected official to resign?

Aside from morals and civic duty, what's stopping wealthy people from paying elected officials they do not like to resign? Would doing so be illegal in the United States? To a certain extent this ...
user1574787's user avatar
1 vote
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Soliciting a bribe when both the parties are at the same "level"

Here is a scenario: You get punched by someone and he breaks your nose. You have the option of (a) going to the police and pressing charges (b) saying you won't press charges if he gives you x amount ...
Alex's user avatar
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Why is the FBI rather than state investigators looking into these judges who take bribes? In personal injury cases in the U.S.A., large amounts of money can be involved and lawyers work for contingent fees. Thus it can be worth a lawyer's ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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Accepting a bribe to secure evidence

Only a hypothetical question (series of questions), but I've heard that taking a bribe is illegal as of the moment the bribe is received. Since the source in question is far from a legal expert, I'm ...
SmannPro's user avatar
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Is it legal to bribe an employee of a fully private company?

Let's say I go into Starbucks and slip an extra dollar to the barrista so that he gives me a slice of cake for free (just a small example). Is this legal according to criminal law? I know it's ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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Abuse of power / official capacity / misuse of authority etc financial damage minimum?

A bit of context: Recently the Romanian Justice Ministry signed a executive order to change the penal code decriminalizing "abuse of power" if the damage is less than 200000 RON (Aprox: 50.000 USD / ...
Sorin's user avatar
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Is it illegal for someone holding a public office in the United States to accept money intended as a bribe if they do not act on the bribe?

Theoretically say that an individual is offered a bribe from someone to not do action X. The individual accepts the money, but does action X anyways. The bribe was, obviously, not part of a legally ...
dsollen's user avatar
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Liability for knowing about bribe offered by a channel partner

In the USA, anti-bribery laws prohibit a company from offering bribes or kickbacks to government officials. If a channel partner of U.S. company X offers a bribe, would X be held liable if it knew ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar