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Questions tagged [citizenship]

Regarding "membership" among a country's "nationals," with rights and privileges bestowed upon them according to that country's laws, such as voting and other similar rights.

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Is there any legal ambiguity about Anwar al-Awlaki's citizenship?

American media sources seem to generally refer to Anwar al-Awlaki as “U.S.-born” (PBS; NBC; CNN) rather than as a “U.S. citizen.” I'm just curious whether legally there is any ambiguity in al-Awlaki's ...
adam.baker's user avatar
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Does Kamala Harris have Jamaican (in addition to US) citizenship?

It seems to me that Kamala Harris probably has both Jamaican and US citizenship. Not questioning her US citizenship or eligibility to be President of the US, I am just asking, as an interesting ...
user102008's user avatar
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Does any person in the world have the right to become a so called "U.S. National"? [closed]

Is my line of reasoning correct? In the discussion under the first answer I have already clarified some of the things that can easily be misconstrued. If all the things I have lined out are carefully ...
Tobias's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Is relinquishing US citizenship without formal renunciation possible?

I read here: Relinquishment can happen without the individual's explicit intention to abandon their citizenship. However, Afroyim v. Rusk says this: Under the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth ...
littleadv's user avatar
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Countries that revoke citizenship obtained at birth because of retroactive revocation of a parent's citizenship

Suppose a person was born with citizenship of country X because at least one parent had citizenship of country X at the time of their birth. Now, suppose that, after the person's birth, it's ...
Brian's user avatar
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Can a business in the US allow only customers who are provably citizens of foreign countries?

It would require that customers provide proof of foreign citizenship — a green card, visa, or foreign passport, and would not bar US dual citizens as long as they could prove citizenship in another ...
Paul Richter's user avatar
-6 votes
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Just Soli and Human Rights

Jus Soli grants citizenship for being born in a country.  If the parents are foreigners the baby will probably have dual citizenships. Citizenship comes with privileges and obligations.  Morally ...
user56898's user avatar
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US citizen renunciation law in §877A and "covered expatriate" exception

The legal code regarding the expatriation tax contains 2 completely different, though closely related, sections here: §877 and §877A. Sect §877 looks to be one that has the exception for "...
Optical Carrier's user avatar
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Will I get denaturalized if I go to a medical school in Taiwan that is military-affiliated? [closed]

As a naturalized US citizen, I'm interested in understanding the potential repercussions, such as denaturalization or revocation, if I choose to attend a medical school in my home country of Taiwan, ...
Huo 's user avatar
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If a Dutch/Indian couple register their baby's birth with India, does it cease to be Dutch due to "voluntarily adopting" another citizenship?

Section 4 of The Citizenship Act, 1955 (as amended by subsequent law) states that a child born outside India to an Indian parent has Indian "citizenship by descent" (which can coexist with ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
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Is it unlawful to create an origin-specific organization?

Suppose I establish a high school, college, or university where anyone can enroll, but I stipulate that The teachers, researchers, or top-level administration must be born in, say, Japan, Egypt, or ...
user366312's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there global law that governs Denaturalization to stateless status for children?

A 15 year old British runaway is born in the UK and has children (all deceased) with a (ISIL) Dutchman in a war zone. The UK strips her of citizenship. She is now 24, stateless (of no citizenship) ...
gatorback's user avatar
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Now is it legally possible to hold political office in two countries at the same time?

For example, are there two or more countries where there is no requirement on a head of government to give up dual citizenship? If so, the technical possibility of becoming the head of two countries (...
Chris Sanders's user avatar
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What legal document is the reference for periods of residency needed for obtaining Spanish citizenship?

I've read on a government website about periods of residency required for obtaining the citizenship of Spain. I would like to consult the legal reference for the described periods of one, two, five, ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Multiple *jus soli*

Until a few years ago, birth in Northern Ireland conferred citizenship in two states: the UK and Ireland. Was this unique in modern history, or are there other similar examples?
Brennan Vincent's user avatar
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Can a US state adjudicate citizenship at birth?

Section 8 of the US Constitution says "The Congress shall have Power...To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization...." But US citizens who reside in a state are also citizens of the ...
Gerard Ashton's user avatar
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Has anyone lost American citizenship after obtaining a second nationality due to 8 USC 1481?

Suppose a US citizen has the option to get naturalized in a foreign country but would have to take an oath that explicitly states that the US citizen plans to relinquish previous nationalities. The US ...
LittlePine's user avatar
10 votes
8 answers

Do US born children whose parents are NOT citizens get automatic citizenship at birth?

If you immigrate to the USA, will the baby get automatic citizenship? Wouldn't that kind of be a loophole?
Abdullah's user avatar
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11 votes
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What is a sure shot way of proving citizenship of India?

According to a ruling by the Bombay High Court in 2013, an Indian passport cannot prove citizenship. Also, in 2019, the Government of India claimed that 'common documents' were enough to prove ...
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How do I find out if I still have citizenship in a country (Romania)?

I was born in another country (Romania) and moved to the US but I haven't been back in a while and out of curiosity I wanted to know if I still have citizenship. I found a website (https://...
CitizenQuestioner's user avatar
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Does 8 USC §1409(a) grant citizenship or take away citizenship?

If a person is born outside the US to a US citizen father and a non-US national mother, and the parents are not married to each other, then there are certain special requirements in order for the ...
Brian's user avatar
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Is there any country that acknowledges people’s right to not participate?

I was trying to look through the US Code to see where it says what I would consider to be the axioms of a country and its law, something like: There is an entity called “The United Stated” This is ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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How common are laws targeting holders of specific citizenships to disadvantage them?

I have been under the strong impression that, globally, laws that disadvantage people on the basis of their citizenship — barring immigration/visa laws — are extremely rare. In fact, I can't recall ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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Are dual citizens usually exempt from military service?

There was a recent statement by the Russian state news agency TASS that due to a new decree by Putin dual citizens can be drafted into the Russian army. This seems to imply that before this decree ...
quarague's user avatar
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Why is *hereditary* citizenship status not considered a title of nobility under U.S. law?

Being a citizen grants clear rights and privileges in the U.S. While citizenship can be granted by birthplace (14th Amendment), it is also granted to the child of a citizen with very lax conditions. ...
junebug's user avatar
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N-600 Expiration Date Listed as 12/31/2018

My wife and I were trying to file an N-600 for my son who is now eligible for citizenship, and have finished filling out the form. However, we noticed that the form is said to have expired on 2018... ...
Naro Shige's user avatar
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What are the laws about valid marriage as it concerns citizenship?

For countries where marrying a citizen rapidly accelerates the process of getting citizenship, are there any laws clarifying the terms under which this is legitimate? For example, if it was believed ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Legality of battle advice to non American military

Is it legal to directly advise or become advisor to a military in a war in which America is neutral? Would the act itself be punishable by loss of citizenship?
user47518's user avatar
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If a foreigner marries a green card holder in the US, will the foreigner also be entitled to a green card at some point?

Also, what is the difference between a foreigner marrying a green card holder vs a citizen of the US?
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
11 votes
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Does revocation of U.S. passport imply revocation of U.S. citizenship?

When a U.S. passport is explicitly revoked (in contrast to it, say, simply expiring), does that also imply revocation of the holder's U.S. citizenship? For example, when the U.S. revoked Ed Snowden's ...
das-g's user avatar
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How can I travel with a cancelled passport?

Say one day my passport is cancelled because I wrote "president s***s" on my Twitter a few years ago. I have only 1 citizenship. This would probably happen when I'm outside the country (A). ...
user46922's user avatar
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If I became a naturalized UK citizen, would I lose my Irish citizenship?

I was born in the United States, as were both of my parents. My father is an Irish citizen by descent - his grandmother was from Ireland. I was registered as an Irish citizen when I was about 9 or 10 ...
Standing There Is You's user avatar
13 votes
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Can an American living in the UK become a British citizen without losing American citizenship?

If an American citizen living in the United Kingdom (England if it matters) meets all of the UK's requirements for naturalization, can he become a British citizen without losing his American ...
Someone's user avatar
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To regain US citizenship

Say Bob is married to Amy. They are both US citizens. One day, Bob decides to renounce his US citizenship (not for the purpose of avoiding taxes), but his wife remains a US citizen. In this scenario, ...
user46777's user avatar
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Can naturalized Argentina citizens renounce their citizenship?

Argentinians born in Argentina cannot renounce their citizenship Is it the same for naturalized ones?
user46027's user avatar
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Does the US Government monitor and/or revoke newly naturalized citizens?

I know to some extent the US watches everyone, but what I am thinking of is whether newly naturalized citizens are watched to see if their naturalization process seems insincere in hindsight. For ...
Rob Stening's user avatar
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Would incorporation of a right through the Privileges or Immunities Clause apply to non citizens?

Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion in McDonald v. City of Chicago suggested incorporation of the Second Amendment should be through the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth ...
Johann smith's user avatar
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Is a state law protecting a non-citizen fetus unconstitutional?

The Constitution and 14th Amendment expressly list protecting citizens as a core responsibility of Government. However, a fetus is not a citizen until it is born. The IRS defines as US person as ...
user319249's user avatar
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How can I confirm that an attorney is legit?

There's an attorney I can use to jump through MANY hoops to get a good passport. His work he published on his website seems legit according to the translator I used. He's publishing hundreds of ...
user44790's user avatar
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How is state citizenship acquired and lost?

According to the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
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Does a Chinese citizen lose citizenship if their parent applied for them to acquire foreign nationality?

In Canada, a permanent resident under the age of 14 may be naturalized upon application on behalf of the minor by their custodial parent. Citizenship Act, s. 5(1.04)(a). This is slightly different ...
Chinese Canadian's user avatar
-5 votes
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Acquiring Dual citizenship [closed]

Student seeking further studies going abroad returns back to his motherland after completing his / her post graduation. I feel he/her cannot cast vote once returning back to his/her country. Can he/...
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
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Can someone request to a Judge in your country to give a letter of appreciation for appearing as a witness?

Say a person X appeared as a witness in a case where the judge was presiding in a criminal case (Jugendstrafsache). The testimony of X was welcomed and appreciated highly by the prosecutor as well as ...
quantum's user avatar
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Is someone who was born in China but acquired citizenship elsewhere through derived citizenship still a Chinese citizen?

I am a 38-year-old who has lived in the US since I was 2 years old. I was born in China to Chinese National parents. My parents and I immigrated to the US when was a small child. My parents were ...
American's user avatar
45 votes
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US jus soli edge case

Ok, so there is this border wall along the Southern border of the US. However, this wall is not constructed exactly at the border. There is an offset of quite some distance where land south of the ...
Jagu Land's user avatar
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Keeping irish citizenship through Naturalisation after living abroad

I have seen online that if I live abroad and in order to maintain irish citizenship through Naturalisation I need annually inform the irish immigration of my intention to keep the citizenship. Now is ...
Anna's user avatar
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What is a citizenship?

A human on earth can say "I define myself as citizenshipless" or "I define myself as a human without a citizenship" and alike ("I am global" or "I am free from ...
freedomseeekr's user avatar
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You moved to a new country, you've been living there for a few years but your home country decides you're a criminal. What now?

You moved from a country led by an "elected" religious dictator to a western country like Spain. To naturalize and become a citizen of your new country, I believe you need to get a police ...
user43504's user avatar
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Can you be made a citizen against your will and extradited?

Can someone who does not consider himself a US citizen be extradited and punished for a US felony crime due to a US citizenship? I was fascinated by the above linked question. Most of the material in ...
Bruce's user avatar
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Would a person born in a state which later joined the United States be considered a natural born citizen of the United States?

Suppose that a person was born in a independent state and later (i.e. after the birth) this state was admitted into the United States. Would such a person be considered a natural born citizen of the ...
n00p's user avatar
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