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Questions tagged [computer-misuse-act]

Questions involving the U.K. Computer Misuse Act

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Do parents have any protection against computer misuse crimes against their children?

Suppose Alice has an online account. Bob says to Alice "Give me access to your account". Alice says no, but Bob has access to Alice's email and does a password reset. This required him to ...
User65535's user avatar
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What does unauthorised mean in regards to access to web sites? [duplicate]

The Computer Misuse Act 1990 makes it an offence in the UK to try and access programs or data on computers when that access is unauthorised. As I understand it in the US the Computer Fraud and Abuse ...
User65535's user avatar
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Legal Rule that computers are presumed to be operating correctly

I was reading the following academic paper. At the very beginning, it mentions that under the Law in England & Wales, a computer is presumed to be operating correctly. This is the line I am ...
user5623335's user avatar
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Computer Misuse Act - Extent to which Authorisation has to be proven [duplicate]

The Computer Misuse Act 1990, section 1, says that a person is guilty of an offence if (a) he causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any ...
SpoiltAroma14's user avatar
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Computer Misuse Act - What is necessary to prove unauthorised?

So, the act states an individual has to know the access is "unauthorised". How is this proven by the state? Of course, for a simple act like entering a username/password that they know they'...
SpoiltAroma14's user avatar
3 votes
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Computer Misuse Act 1990 - Definition of unauthorised

My question is: What does "Unauthorised" mean? The legislation claims that it means not having "Consent" to access the system - does this refer to implicit or explicit? For example,...
AnotherUser's user avatar
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Unauthorized access to parents bank account

Early in the morning the bank account password was changed. The investigation pointed to someone without authorization using my parent's phone at 1 am to verify a password change for the bank account ...
POA's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is it against the Computer Misuse Act to bypass a client-side paywall?

A common practice among news websites is to provide articles online, where an initial portion is freely viewable, and the remainder requires an active subscription. However, on numerous occasions, I ...
Joel Hemphill's user avatar
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Computer Misuse Act 1990 vs Police and Justice Act 2006

I am studying towards a qualification called CREST CPSA, reading through their syllabus guide here. It covers some sections on Law that I was hoping to clarify on here. On PDF page 6/20 it covers the ...
questioner's user avatar
-1 votes
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It is illegal for someone to use software applications on a found laptop computer?

I am curious to know if it is illegal for someone to use software applications on a found laptop computer. For example, let's say that you go to a bus stop and there is a laptop computer sitting on a ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Under US law, is it illegal to write a self propagating computer worm

Suppose a person creates a self-propagating computer worm that: does not modify or delete any of the victim's files rather displays a funny message to the user scans other computers and spreads ...
nkvp's user avatar
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Legal status of Cellebrite hack

The CEO of Signal has posted the discovery of security vulnerabilities in Cellebrite products. These products are used by police to evade security on seized mobile devices and thereby download the ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
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Legality of dual use software that could help with games

Say I have tremors, and I edit my GPL mouse driver to use image analysis to identify icons on the screen that I am trying to click on, and click on them for me, similar to a snap to grid functionality....
Dave's user avatar
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Is creating an open source github program for a undocumented api from any app/website legal?

Recently I had an idea on creating an app from a few undocumented api i had found. Let's suppose I created an reddit app with features and customization abilities. Is is illegal? Can I createit and ...
Rakesh Chowdhury's user avatar
2 votes
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Has anyone been prosecuted for making/using malware?

Has anyone been prosecuted under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 Section 3A for using or making malware in the UK? I have found example in the US, but none for the UK.
user1883616's user avatar
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Is It Illegal To Test A Website For Exploits Regarding My Personal Info?

American here. I'm not a hacker or anything, just a normal computer science student. Anyways, I believe that my university has left an exploit open through their hub where anyone can use the modular ...
Jack's user avatar
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Is it legal to host a website that gives users access to database leaks and guides on how to do illegal things?

Is it legal to own and operate a website that would host database leaks, accounts lists, Anarchist's Cookbook (guides on making bombs etc, drugs and more), and guides on stealing credit card info and ...
Censored Exe's user avatar
3 votes
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Are we legally liable for negligence if a breach in a 3rd party happens due to us giving extra visibility to a vulnerable system?

TL;DR - Found a dangling DNS record that was pointing to an IP address we don't own, the server found on that IP address was running a vulnerable piece of software. Wondering if attackers found & ...
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how are companies like metasploit and trustedsec and rapid7 legally protected?

rapid7 and trustedsec develop professional penetration testing software rapid7 also sells a pro version of question is that if someone uses their software illegally how are those ...
tikko's user avatar
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Does a EULA protect the developer [closed]

I have a simple question...If a client asks a developer to develop a penetration testing / security related software and that he is ready to accept the EULA which comes with the software...does that ...
tikko's user avatar
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Does selling game hacks based on personal user agreement is legal?

There are so many websites who sell the game hacks and game companies never sue them for that("because they have their own terms and conditions - that's what I think basically"). So if I sell hacks ...
user21477's user avatar
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Is it against the Computer Misuse Act to remove client-side input validation?

I recently ran into an issue where the 'Change Password' form for a website allowed me to choose a long password (50+ characters), but the login form had a lower limit of 16 characters. This means ...
rubberband876's user avatar
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iPad hijacking at night

We are having issues with our neighbors. I play music from my iPad at night to help me sleep, using headphones, and my neighbor has been hijacking it and playing discordant sounds to wake me up in the ...
Loz's user avatar
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Would it be illegal to upload the source code of a computer virus I developed? [duplicate]

If I upload source code of a virus I have developed so that the larger software community could benefit from developing solutions to tackle the virus, and if somebody else uses my source code to harm ...
Aashish Loknath Panigrahi's user avatar
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Does the 9th Court Ruling Imply That a Public Endpoint Is Truly Public?

Violating Terms of Use Isn’t a Crime, EFF Tells Court—Again The recent ruling by the 9Th CAP states that a user is not legally (criminally(civil maybe?)) bound by the ToS of a website operator. Does ...
Max Phillips's user avatar
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Exploiting online video games illegal, a tort, or allowable under the law?

Recently a news story came out about "Manfred", a hacker who makes a living exploiting bugs in online video games to make in-game currency (or items) which he then sells to other gamers. Here is a ...
Cicero's user avatar
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Is Running an Amplified DNS Attack on a Consenting Person Legal?

I wasn't sure whether to put this in the legal or security stack exchange because this will take someone with considerable computer knowledge to answer. Amyways, I want to try out an amplified DDOS ...
Byte11's user avatar
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what can I do after being scammed

I traded a Domain name ( for a year of hosting by a man. After (permanently) transfering the domain to the man, he set up an account for. He then deleted it a few days later (...
Tobi's user avatar
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Can academics break the law with their research?

Are there any U.S. or U.K. laws that prevent academic research papers or journals from being published? Can academics outline the methodology of illegal activities? For example, could a computer ...
Thomas's user avatar
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16 votes
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Are Drone Intrusion Prevention Systems (Drone IPS) systems illegal?

A drone intrusion prevention product being advertised at RSA Conference this year has piqued my interest, and I'm trying to determine whether it and other drone IPS systems are illegal. For ...
Polynomial's user avatar
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Accessing Internet Connected Devices with Default Credentials

In a world of ever increasing numbers of internet connected devices people are having more and more of their appliances exposed to the outside world: cameras, fridges, thermostats etc. Many of these ...
user avatar
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What is the legal status of data (intentionally deleted or not) on a second-hand computer?

If a person purchases a second-hand computer, and the seller has not wiped the hard drives of that computer before the sale, is it legal for the buyer to access the data on it? Alternatively, if the ...
LivingInformation's user avatar
6 votes
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How is "unauthorized" access determined under the Computer Misuse Act?

Regarding the Computer Misuse Act as a whole, but in particular Section 1:- (1)A person is guilty of an offence if— (a)he causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any ...
Bobby Tables's user avatar
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Is it illegal to create and sell a exploit of a zero-day vulnerability?

The definition of an exploit: A software tool designed to take advantage of a flaw in a computer system, typically for malicious purposes such as installing malware. The definition of a zero-day ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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Who can initiate the legal proceedings for hacking?

If a server is owned and maintained by Organization A, but almost fully installed and configured by Person A, who is a employee of Organization A, then who initiates the legal proceedings regarding ...
phonetic's user avatar
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What is the limitation period for a violation of the Computer Misuse Act of 1990's provision(s) on phishing?

I came across a story about a twenty-something year old male who setup a fake website in order to 'phish' for usernames and passwords for a popular game. After acquiring the credentials he would then ...
Terry's user avatar
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Does merely serving content alone constitute "operating" in the EU and so should every website be compliant with the EU Cookie Law?

I was wondering if all websites in the world need to be compliant with the EU Cookie Law. For example a company website of a US company, hosted in the US but serving visitors in the EU. Also, does ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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5 votes
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Purposeful Destruction of a Computer

A hobby of mine is reading up on the latest IT nasties, and i came across 'The USB Killer'. 'The USB Killer' is designed to look just like a USB Thumb drive, but when plugged in it causes a lot of ...
Terry's user avatar
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8 votes
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Section 3A of the United Kingdom's Computer Misuse Act 1990

Section 3A of the United Kingdom's computer misuse act states you are not allowed to produce, obtain or supply articles which can be used for computer misuse. How do UK information security bloggers ...
Lucas Kauffman's user avatar