Questions tagged [consent]

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8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Question about audio recording my in-person conversations in New York

In NY State, which is a 1 party consent state, can I audio record a conversation with my friend without their consent if they are a minor? ( I'm 18, he's 17 ) I was told minors can't consent to being ...
Jurify's user avatar
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how to obtain the consent of the DPP for a private prosecution in the UK?

For a person in the UK considering taking forward a private prosecution, according to this form: "Application for summons or warrant for arrest for alleged offence under Magistrates’ Courts Act ...
jim's user avatar
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Is asking your potential rapist to use a condom considered giving consent in the US?

Is asking somebody who is forcing themselves on you to use a condom enough to give him / her consent? If you consider yourself being the victim of rape, but you ask for the person to use a condom is ...
Neil Meyer's user avatar
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Is it legal for my mum to share the household's browsing history with an external company without my consent?

Background Information My mum uses lots of different websites for surveys, watching videos and other ways of generating a little bit of cash. However, she uses a particular service to share the ...
Daemon Beast's user avatar
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Replace User ID with pseudonym, still need consent?

I use a service called Matomo (as opposed to Google Analytics) so that I can own the data collected, and I thought they were better in regards of user privacy. My goal is to avoid collecting any ...
howtopythonpls's user avatar
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Is geocoding an IP address but not storing it considered processing under GDPR?

As a data controller who intends to be GDPR compliant, if someone visits my website a request is made to my server with their IP address. If I geocode the IP address to get the visitor's country and ...
startupsmith's user avatar
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Legality of recording calls when recorded message is only heard by another recorded message

Many entities, both individuals and companies, record their phone calls. In many jurisdictions this is made legal by there being a recorded message at the start of the call informing the other party ...
User65535's user avatar
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Consent on a per-cookie or cookie-provider basis or per category?

As title mentioned: I am wondering about requirements regarding the need to enable users/visitors of a website to consent on a per-cookie or cookie category (e.g. analytical, personalization etc) ...
OptimalJellyfish's user avatar