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Questions tagged [covid-19]

For questions about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on laws and other regulations, legal process and proceedings, and legality of action. Consider adding a location tag if the question is specific to a particular jurisdiction.

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Are Ontario municipalities allowed to stop issuing marriage licenses during COVID-19?

Some Ontario cities, such as Waterloo say on their website: "Due to COVID-19, marriage licences will be suspended until further notice." Here is a screenshot, in case the website changes. ...
Nike Dattani's user avatar
6 votes
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Can Rand Paul be sued for negligent transmission of COVID-19?

Note: I am not wanting to make this political. Please do not attempt to address political aspects of this situation or rail one way or the other. My question would be exactly the same if the facts ...
drop acid not bombs's user avatar
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Can someone face legal consequences for infecting someone else with COVID due to not following COVID regulations?

Jurisdiction is Belgium. Suppose a college student goes to an illegal student party and catches COVID there. He doesn't get caught by the police, he has no symptoms and he then doesn't self-isolate ...
Nzall's user avatar
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Are businesses required to let all shareholders attend their offline shareholder meetings?

Cover Corporation is a Japanese media company managing content creators which is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange as of March 27, 2023. They held a shareholder meeting at June 29th, 2023. It was ...
mkm49573's user avatar
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In the US, have there been any successful lawsuits over COVID infection liability?

Its often been claimed during the pandemic that some businesses voluntarily mandate masks because they fear losing a lawsuit if an employee or customer gets infected on their premises. Since March ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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In the US, what has been the general outcome of COVID-19 vaccine-mandate litigation?

Recently, a friend informed me that he knew someone who had won a lawsuit, with a large award for damages, against his employer, which I believe was a private company, because he was dismissed for not ...
BakedAlaska624's user avatar
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Legal basis for remaining face mask mandate in the NHS, UK

In the UK, all legal mask mandates have been dropped. However from what I understand, they are still required “in healthcare settings”. This could be in a hospital, doctor’s surgery or a pharmacy. It ...
Chris Melville's user avatar
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In the US, can a person openly refuse to obey regulations that have been ruled to be against the law?

As an example, some school districts in Texas are openly disobeying the ban on mandatory masking in schools, which was recently confirmed to be legal by a Federal appellate court. So we have a ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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At what point does a bunch of ingredients become a medicine?

In most if not all countries it is illegal to sell unlicensed medicines and medical treatments. It is however legal to sell the reagents, equipment and instructions to individuals for them to create ...
Dave's user avatar
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Are interstate and interdistrict travel restrictions legal?

This is an excerpt from the latest unlockdown (Unlock 2.0) guidelines from the Ministry of Home Affairs, States/UTs, based on their assessment of the situation, may prohibit certain activities ...
rinz1er's user avatar
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Pictures of people breaking the law in Facebook

Within this COVID19 pandemic various activities were forbidden in Portugal, like spearfishing or catching crabs in rocks. Yet, some people insist on doing them (let's call them rebels) but in a "...
Tiago Peres's user avatar
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I’m being asked to come back into work despite government guideline to stay at home- What are my rights?

I work in an administrative role at the NHS. Since the lock down measures started in the UK, I have been working from home. As demand on the NHS has been increasing substantially, management asked ...
Blossom's user avatar
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Criminal transmission of COVID-19? Knowingly exposing vulnerable individuals

This is a related question. The difference here is that the other question is asking about criminal negligence; someone doing something without considering the harm it may cause. My question is about ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Updated: (Oct 2. 2022) Is it possible to enter Canada unvaccinated?

This is an update to this question I asked some weeks ago. From what I read in the news Canada has changed its border requirnments. Is it now possible to leave and enter Canada unvaccinated?
Outsider's user avatar
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School Online Lessons

I go to a private school but I am funded by the council and I had covid a few weeks ago and they refused to give online lesson because "that is not what we do" is that true? Also to note is ...
Ariel Eliasov's user avatar
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Why was coronavirus travel ban implemented by a presidential proclamation rather than an executive order?

On March 11, 2020, President Trump issued a proclamation that suspended entry to the United States from most of Europe. After a series of amendments by both administrations, also in the form of ...
David Terrence's user avatar
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reasons for requesting virtual appearance post-COVID

An attorney friend wants to continue appearing in court virtually. The problem is that he is now (post-COVID shutdown) expected to appear in person. What are the acceptable reasons an attorney can ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Can a university in Vietnam use COVID-19 to force students to reveal personal information?

Asking for a friend, assume "I" is said friend. I'm a student of a university in Vietnam. My university has sent out an email to all students to fill out a Google spreadsheet, which is open ...
ChocolateOverflow's user avatar
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Does the Swedish constitution limit the government’s powers to impose lockdown, more than constitutions of other comparable countries?

As is widely known, Sweden’s coronavirus response has been an outlier in several ways. One point, in particular, is that many measures are just issued as recommendations to the public, rather than ...
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
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What are the rules and laws for guards and loss prevention in NYC during Covid-19 in NYC?

What are the rules and laws for guards and loss prevention in NYC during Covid-19 in NYC? I've read that security guards and loss prevention are not allowed to detain people, essentially false ...
KingsInnerSoul's user avatar
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Law in Japan prohibiting (or just not authorizing?) fines "on people who refuse to stay home"?

France24 writes about Covid-19 handling in Japan: Unlike in other countries, Japanese authorities are not allowed by law to impose fines or other penalties on people who refuse to stay home. That ...
Looking for loopholes's user avatar
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Can old landlord withdraw money using ACH information without my consent

My landlord uses a web client called securecafe to automate rent payments. I enrolled to auto payment using ACH. Due to covid-19 I had to terminate my lease early and leave my apartment. My landlord ...
ozlsn's user avatar
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Implications of Failing N95 Fit Test During COVID-19 Pandemic?

I am a Registered Nurse and have documented evidence in my NY hospital that I failed the N95 fit test for years. What are my rights surrounding this and the COVID-19 epidemic? I have a NIOSH compliant ...
Orthopaedic RN's user avatar
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Is it possible for foreigners for any reason to enter China?

Non Chinese citizens of any status including green card or permanent residence permit holders. Can they enter mainland China if they live there but left to visit abroad given the current Corona virus ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Which part of 42 CFR would apply to a private aircraft operator arriving into the US without a negative COVID test?

According to the CDC to provide a negative test taken within the past 24 hours if you arriving by private plane. See this guidance for aircraft operators & airlines: Does this order apply to all ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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Is there any law requiring public school to notify parents of Covid contact?

I have a son attending a public school. I learned from unofficial channels that a classmate is quarantining for COVID, someone my son was in regular contact with throughout the day. The teachers are ...
Village's user avatar
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If possibly exposed to COVID-19, can I use my best judgment?

In most U.S. states, COVID-19 regulations such as wearing masks and social distancing are no longer mandated, at least not for people who don't have the virus. Are there laws in those states, such as ...
The Editor's user avatar
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Is it necessary for both the divorced parents to consent for their younger than 12 years old kid to wear face mask or get tested for COVID-19?

I guess there is some consent needed since the kid is younger that 12 years old. But is it necessary for both the parents to consent? Does the opinion of the kid also count? More specifically I would ...
xpy's user avatar
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Can a worker capable of performing job functions from home be terminated for avoiding office due to COVID–19?

There's a popular thread on Twitter in light of COVID–19 that brings attention to all the workplaces where people could work from home (due to being tech/knowledge workers), but, for one reason or ...
cnst's user avatar
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Community College forcing Covid Testing

My community college in Illinois will be requiring proof of WEEKLY Covid testing to engage in campus activities. This change is being made mid-semester, after all refund dates have passed. Are there ...
Nate C.'s user avatar
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What were the protections for tenants in California during covid-19 eviction moratorium? Where should one contact in case of protection was violated?

What were the protections for tenants in California during covid-19 eviction moratorium? Where should one contact in case of protection was violated?
brassmonkey's user avatar