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Questions tagged [drugs]

For questions relating to the illicit use or possession of illegal and/or controlled drugs for unlawful or recreational purposes. Consider using the "medical" or "medical-marijuana" tags for questions about legitimate drugs.

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What is it about nicotine products that restrict their sale to children?

In the UK children are not allowed to buy cigarettes and many other nicotine products. This Nursing Times article describes the legality of selling non-tobacco nicotine pouches to children as a "...
User65535's user avatar
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Can one be sued for destroying illegal goods?

Consider this story: One evening, Bob walks trough the park and witnesses how a man apparently sells drugs to a group of minors. As he approaches, the man runs away, but Bob catches up on the minors. ...
PMF's user avatar
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Is an international student at greater risk of or from a cannabis possession charge in the UK?

Suppose Adam is an international student on a student visa in the UK. Suppose Adam is a recreational user of cannabis, hashish or similar, with no criminal history and no history (either on UK police ...
mjc's user avatar
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8 votes
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How exactly does an illegal purpose void a contract?

In an answer that I am sure is practically correct in most situations, the following statement was made regarding a possible civil suit regarding unpaid wages for drug dealing after the debtor dies: ...
User65535's user avatar
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Can a US state ban a drug that is approved by the FDA?

The more common scenario nowadays is for a US state to "legalize" a drug that is illegal Federally, namely cannabis. This scenario has been well-researched and it is well-settled that the ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Drinking and Driving in Georgia

If a person is convicted of drunk driving (due to an illegal drug in his/her system) in state of Georgia, what is the typical punishment if it is a first time offense? Is jail likely?
Paul59's user avatar
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Can You Invest in Marijuana Companies Legally?

I read this article today: Floundering Weed Stocks Test Wall Street’s Faith in 2024 Rebound It said "stocks underlying the industry are floundering, with even the bulls growing tired of waiting. ...
G. Putnam's user avatar
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Can I sell an unscheduled compound as a recreational drug in the USA?

From the Oxilofrine Wikipedia page: Legal Status US: Unapproved "New Drug" (as defined by 21 U.S. Code § 321(p)(1)). Use in dietary supplements, food, or medicine is unlawful; otherwise ...
imrobert's user avatar
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Mailing advertisements of goods to areas where they are illegal

I received an advertisement in my mailbox for a dispensary located in a different state (Michigan), where marijuana is legal. However, where I live it is illegal for both recreational and medical use....
IronEagle's user avatar
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-3 votes
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What happens to large hauls of seized illicit substances, how are they disposed of, and how do we know about adherence? [closed]

Millions of pounds worth of cocaine bricks have recently washed up on the shores of Sussex and were seized by police. What will ultimately happen to these? Will they be destroyed? If so; then how: ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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What would be the punishment for administering a date rape drug without actually raping the victim?

Alice went to a bar. Bob put a date rape drug into Alice's drink in such a way that Alice did not notice that. However, Alice was not raped, was not robbed and no further crime was committed against ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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Would the proposed "Stop Pot Act," as it is currently written, actually do anything if passed?

H.R. 5323, the "Stop Pot Act," is a bill currently in the 118th Congress to discourage states from legalizing recreational use of marijuana by cutting their federal highway funding by 10%. ...
Someone's user avatar
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What is the standard for determining addiction?

The purchase of a firearm requires a statement that the purchaser is not addicted to controlled substances. That being said, is there a "bright line" for determining alcohol addiction? ...
gatorback's user avatar
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What happens if an illegal substance or an item that belongs to my housemate is caught in my house?

I am 31 years old and still live with my family in Turkey. And I don't want to live with my parents anymore. I must move out of the house of my parents. My parents also approve and support my idea ...
Sukru Araci's user avatar
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On the legality of seizing narco yachts

Allegedly, in February 2007, some 100 nautical miles northeast of the Madeira Archipelago, Portuguese frogmen boarded the Spanish-flagged yacht Blaus VII and found 3 Greek sailors and 1500 kilograms ...
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar
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Why are UK celebrities not prosecuted after admitting to drug use? [duplicate]

Frequently, UK celebrities and politicians publish memoirs where they admit to breaking laws related to illegal substance use, yet they never seem to be prosecuted after openly admitting it. A recent ...
firtydank's user avatar
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3 answers

Can the Secret Service arrest someone who uses an illegal drug inside of the White House?

In light of the recent discovery of cocaine inside the West Wing of the White House, I am wondering if a person who either lives in, or works in, or makes a visit to the White House, is caught using ...
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4 votes
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Oregon decriminalized possession of certain drugs. Is the act of buying still illegal?

Oregon decriminalized "the possession" of certain drugs. But the act of manufacturing and selling drugs is still illegal, according to this article:
M -'s user avatar
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Why are magic mushrooms generally regarded as subject to the UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances while khat is not

The UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances lists the following substances, inter alia: cathinone - Schedule 1 cathine - Schedule 3 psilocin - Schedule 1 psilocybin - Schedule 1 Neither khat, which ...
thelawnet's user avatar
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Car for rent and drugs

Lets say there is a person who rents a car out to a friend. This arrangement goes well for the first few months. Then a large amount of illegal drugs are discovered in the car while the friend is ...
user55665484375's user avatar
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What determines the legality of whether a non-controlled substance can be included in food?

If there was a food or chemical substance that was not listed as a controlled substance either federally or at the state level, and it is never explicitly mentioned in any FDA food guidelines, does ...
J. Taylor's user avatar
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Is drug information copyright protected. Example: drug brand name, side effects etc. Is licensing actually required for commercial use? [closed]

Follow up from: Can information about a drug - trade name, interactions, etc. - be copyright protected? Numerous drug databases indicate that the information they provide about drugs is free for ...
FD2's user avatar
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How illegal is it to give your prescription medicine to another person (in any amount)?

Is it expressly illegal to give even one pill of a prescription medicine you have to another person? If so, what law says this, and under what terms? If not, what are the minimum terms, for example, ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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German law: Food in a coffee shop

I am planning to open a coffee shop in the near future (as soon as it becomes legal). I don´t ask for help about the entire coffee shop thing, however I want to know which requirements I must meet to ...
Ehrenmann's user avatar
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Does the ADA require society to refer individuals suffering from addiction to mental healthcare?

I had a question cross my mind, and I asked Google to help me out. "Hey Google, is addiction legally a disability?" The answer met my ears in seconds: "Addiction is generally considered ...
Goddoll's user avatar
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What is the legal status of New Zealand's tobacco legislation vis-a-vis the Human Rights Act of 1993?

The government of New Zealand recently passed a law aimed at eliminating tobacco usage. Rather than prohibiting the purchase of tobacco products altogether, the law instead prohibits their purchase by ...
Obie 2.0's user avatar
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How would selling fake illegal drugs be treated in most jurisdictions?

Let's imagine that the police arrested someone on suspicion of selling illegal narcotics. Upon chemical analysis of the seized goods, they discover that these goods are not narcotics, but some ...
John Doe's user avatar
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What is required to warrant a drug raid in NYC?

Doing research for a fictional book, and I'm wondering what kind of "evidence" my characters could fabricate in order to make the DEA (or any other relevant agency) run a raid on a building. ...
user110391's user avatar
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Is distribution of drugs in itself a crime?

You always seem to hear of people being done with "possession with intent to distribute," rather than actual distribution. Why is this?
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Is mere consumption of illicit substances an offence?

Meet Bob. Bob was hanging out at a party chatting with Alice who offered and then fed him a pill. Alternatively, suppose she racks him a line of something snortable. Bob either swallows or snorts ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Marijuana Reclassification

"Marihuana" is a Schedule I drug. What will it take for marijuana to be reclassified into a federally legitimate (available anywhere over the counter and could be used recreationally by ...
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-6 votes
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How are government actions held accountable to constitutional promises? [closed]

For instance, in the U.S., prosecution while promising the blessings of liberty constitutionally should determine rights through a precedence of innocence rather than protected classes, plea deals, ...
Nick Carducci for Carface Bank's user avatar
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How could the Russian government (legally) send Griner to prison even if she is acquitted?

According to the BBC Ms Griner has been held in Russia since her 17 February arrest at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport after cannabis oil was allegedly found in her luggage. She is currently on trial ...
Looking for loopholes's user avatar
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What is punishment (if any) for making another adult involuntary intoxicated with alcohol, no other actions and injury, USA?

I've tried to goggle, I only find intoxication defense. I'm interested what is punishment (if any) for making another involuntary intoxicated with alcohol knowing it was alcohol and the goal was to ...
Alex Martian's user avatar
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Is it contempt of court to indicate in voir dire you will never find someone guilty of a drug crime

In a trial involving drug charges During voir dire a juror volunteered the statement “I believe criminalizing drugs is morally wrong and will never convict someone of drug crimes.” Is this contempt ...
sevensevens's user avatar
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Is Ground Glass (still) illegal in Arizona? [duplicate]

I was watching Hamilton's Pharmacopeia and on Season 2, Episode 4, it is claimed that Ground Glass is illegal in Arizona. I tried to do some digging to confirm or falsify that, but the earliest ...
CosmicGiant's user avatar
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Can I market a legal food product with the name of an illicit drug or other illegal product?

Say I've reverse-engineered the Coca-Cola formula, or produced something very similar in taste. Since the recipe is not patented, I can sell my product so long as I don't market it as Coke, Coca-Cola, ...
DanishChef's user avatar
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Medical marijuana patient protection from drug test: actual effectiveness of the law?

I'm under the impression that in Pennsylvania, medical marijuana users are protected from employer discrimination: No employer may discharge, threaten, refuse to hire or otherwise discriminate or ...
electronpusher's user avatar
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Possession of cannabis in UK

What are the risks for the following in the UK: Possession of cannabis (~2g) Consumption of cannabis For example, If i'm smoking cannabis in front of a police officer, under what obligations can ...
tesla john's user avatar
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If an athlete knowingly 'doped' with a placebo could it be considered a WADA anti-doping rule violation?

A question yesterday asked whether an athlete who thought they were taking a performance enhancing substance (but was in fact given a placebo substance) would fall foul of anti-doping rules. My (...
Ian Cook's user avatar
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Placebo doping in sport

It is illegal in most sports to take any of a list of banned performance-enhancing substances. There are governing bodies across sport to enforce these restrictions. If an athlete were to honestly ...
Dannie's user avatar
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Own a duplex in Georgia, tenant on one side believes tenant on other dealing drugs due to traffic

I own a duplex in Georgia. The tenant in one side has notified me she believes that the tenant in the other side is dealing drugs based on the amount of foot and car traffic coming to the location. ...
Alan F's user avatar
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Is cheese legal in Florida?

I recently found out that Tyramine is a Schedule I controlled substance in Florida. It is also a significant component of well-aged cheese. Even though I think of this as a merely theoretical issue, ...
iblue's user avatar
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What will happen if one is caught smuggling something that is not illegal?

For example if someone is caught at some major airport trying to smuggle condoms with talcum powder in his butt, or in a hidden compartment in a suitcase for example Someone might do this with the ...
user43993's user avatar
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Is there a law in India that determines the punishment on the basis of quantity of narcotic drugs possessed by a person?

Suppose a person was found with 1kg of a narcotic drugs and another person with say 1000kgs does the punishment for the crime differ for both the people accused?
Anonymous's user avatar
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Lifetime of gaslighting, abuse, and being forced to take Ritalin. Permanent brain damage. Unable to quit. Can I sue my parents and/or psychiatrists? [closed]

Sydney, Australia. I was coerced into taking Ritalin at age 4. Now I'm 28 and the long term effects have ruined my life, plus being "medicated" with this stuff went hand in hand with ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
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Is a distilled spirit mixed with a scheduled substance excluded from the definition of a controlled substance?

The Controlled Substances Act provides the following definition: (6) The term "controlled substance" means a drug or other substance, or immediate precursor, included in schedule I, II, III,...
SNDRI's user avatar
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Is keeping weed/ganja for one time usage (for one person) a crime in India?

Is it illegal to possess an amount equal to a one-time usage for one person? Is there any specific law for this?
AConsumer's user avatar
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Why are drug using celebrities free?

I never understood how come celebrities, such as Charlie Sheen, are able to roam free while they're known for using illegal drugs. Can anyone explain this to me? I can provide many more examples if ...
Captain Trojan's user avatar
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Legality of prescription and schedule 1 drugs in first aid kits

Is it legal to keep small quantities of prescription and/or schedule 1 drugs in a first aid kit? In this situation there would be no prescription or doctor involved. Examples would be: morphine ...
Cicero's user avatar
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