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14 votes
5 answers

Is calling emergency service for someone ever mandatory?

Is it ever mandatory to call the police or other emergency service for people? For example, say a friend has suicidal thoughts. Could you ever be breaking the law by not calling the police in such a ...
The Editor's user avatar
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What is the role and power of the Australian Defence Force in civil society?

The Commonwealth government has offered the assistance of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to the states from time to time. Most recently the New South Wales Government has accepted that offer of ...
Dale M's user avatar
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2 answers

In what country do police have to clear scenes for EMTs?

I read this on Reddit: Not a lawyer, but work for a law firm as an Investigator. One of our clients stabbed an ex-lover multiple times over $100. Perp then ran out of the house all bloody. ...
UTF-8's user avatar
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48 votes
5 answers

Can a Resident Assistant be told to ignore a lawful order?'

Today I have an interesting question involving Police, Fire and university administration. A little bit of background: for the past few years, my University has been involved in a small, awkward ...
bracec's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is it ever legal for a company to instruct employees not to call 911?

First question, is it illegal to prevent someone from calling 911 in the event of an emergency? I'm assuming it is. I had an internship in large corporate buildings and have seen some weird things. ...
smartman2's user avatar