Questions tagged [fair-use]

An exception to the limitations that can be imposed by a copyright owner. A similar concept in the U.K. and other commonwealth jurisdictions is called "fair dealing."

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Copyright related issue on publishing a technical book?

I am preparing to publish a technical book on programming that contains figures and charts (like, compiler, linker, ASCII table, keywords list) created by myself by taking references from many sources....
Vishi's user avatar
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Parody or Infringement? (United States of America)

I am struggling with the difference between these definitions. Q: Is this a Parody or a Copyright Infringement? In a proposed pilot for a TV/Web show aimed at children for edutainment, one of the ...
Scottie H's user avatar
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Using quotes in a text you publish under creative commons

Fair use allows quoting other texts (or images) as part of your text, but how does this interact with you publishing the work under a creative commons license that allows derivatives.
David Mulder's user avatar
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Legality of putting ads on an academic studying tool that contains user-generated content?

I made a web app that helps users generate interactive study notes, which facilitates their studying. The nature of this kind of user-generated content is that it will inevitably contain copyrighted ...
Panpaper's user avatar
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Is using Twitch-broadcasts solely for research fair use?

For my bachelor thesis, I need to download ~10Tb of data from Twitch via Twitchleecher. I would like to use it for Deep-learning (emotion recognition), which means processing the data and deleting it ...
WhatAMesh's user avatar
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Fair use of hardware/software configuration data

I’ve searched through the questions/answers here and after reading several, I’m still confused about this situation. Wile E. Coyote has purchased the latest and greatest Road Runner Acquisition and ...
user11421's user avatar
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Proportion of copyrighted material that can be distributed without infringement

Is there a threshold or a descriptive proportion that is considered not copyright infringement but merely creative and educational use when distributing some copyright protected material along with ...
axolotl's user avatar
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Re-using a small part of an artwork in a logo design

The artwork La Gerbe by Matisse was created in 1953. It consists of about 30 fern-like shapes on a white background. I am making a logo for a non-commercial academic website and it was suggested to me ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Can I use a model trained off of CC BY-NC 4.0 datasets, amongst others, in a commercial setting

The original data cannot be reproduced or tied to the model. The data is simply used for training purposes. The model is trained off of other data sets also. Is it fair to use the model for other ...
DmetrikX's user avatar
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Would a booklet of music and film quotes infringe on copyright?

I am considering creating a booklet with quotes from pop media for commercial use. Something like a list of one-liners from songs from the 80s for example or movies. Would this be legal? I am aware ...
Pithikos's user avatar
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Single Frame from a 1973 Movie [closed]

I want to use a single frame from a movie made in 1973 in an email marketing piece. The thing being sold is software used in law schools and is not entertainment. It's use is to compare the 1973 ...
VNabokov's user avatar
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Using recorded music for a light show

I'm in a band and we have a concert coming up. We play our own music, and even though we include some covers in our performances, I'm aware of venue blanket licenses and that I should not worry about ...
Gabriel Golfetti's user avatar
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Usage of song snippets in a prototype app

For a project at university I design and implement an android application. In this application, I would like to present the user snippets of famous songs which they should then recognize. The ...
Katharina Orca's user avatar
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How much of a copyrighted book can I display in a web app?

Google Books and Amazon both display significant portions of copyrighted material for free. In the case of Google, there is an option to select books based on the qualifications Any books Preview ...
mas's user avatar
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Can you reuse the text of a contract you've signed with one party with another party?

Relations between individuals and business entities are governed by law; what's not specified in the law, can be specified by a mutually-executed contract. Generally, one party provides the actual ...
cnst's user avatar
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Code compatible with a GPL licensed program published under a different license (GNU gettext)

Context: The Python standard library already contains a gettext module roughly compatible with the original GNU gettext library. Simply this module does not use the hash tables present in mo files to ...
Serge Ballesta's user avatar
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copyright question (constructs and presentations)

I got a threatening email from someone today alleging copyright infringement on a website that I built as a personal project back in 2013 to crowdsource the latest trail data from the long-distance ...
mlenarz's user avatar
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law about ethical hacker using pirated software or gadgets?

Is there any law if a ethical hacker is invited to our company and he used pirated software? Can we take any legal action or its normal in this field?
David sirmon's user avatar
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is there any law for using unlicensed or cracked software?

Is there any law for using unlicensed or cracked software for our personal use? Can we use cracked versions of software in organization?
David sirmon's user avatar
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Using excerpts from works for student reading comprehension book. Fair use? [closed]

I am writing a reading comprehension book for students. This book is for-profit. I would like to use excerpts from copyrighted literature books to set up comprehension questions as a learning exercise....
user1411469's user avatar
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Is it illegal in the EU / in Germany to download a scientific e-book?

Suppose there's a scientific monograph I really want to read but don't want to buy. I find an e-book on some website (where it is accessible to the public without restrictions) and download it. I don'...
Allure's user avatar
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Chrome Extensions That Inject Content On Retail Sites [closed]

I am prototyping a chrome extension that adds functionality to eCommerce sites. It injects HTML/JS/CSS into the page and adds UI elements that when clicked perform some sort of action. i.e. Adding a ...
kaufmann42's user avatar
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Can i post an unofficial advertisement?

So I have a school assignment to make an advertisement video. I did a Wacom tablet advertisement. Can I post it online for a portfolio and sharing, or might it be a copyright infringement?
aria pramesvara's user avatar
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Is it legal to reproduce the image of AlexNet?

In the seminal paper, "ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", there is an image of Alexnet as shown below: Is it allowed to reproduce a copy of the image or is it protected ...
SeanJ's user avatar
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Is this copyright infringement? Is it fair use? What if I don't make any money off it?

If someone were hypothetically working on a project that required them to incorporate copies of a copyrighted work (music, movies, books, etc.), how would they know if it would be considered fair use? ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is it legal to use scenes from famous TV show FRIENDS to create pop up museum in New York city?

Could someone create a museum based on a TV show without violating copyright law? Imagine, for instance, The Museum of Friends, including replicas of the following parts: Full-scale set of Monica's ...
Maksim Kondratenko's user avatar
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Use of Images in a book [duplicate]

Concerning modification of a photograph. is cropping a section of a photograph considered modification of the picture? That I can then use commercially? our is it the adding something into the ...
Scott Viehbeck's user avatar
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Can I legally publish a compilation of copyrighted material without licence? How?

I have bought a book A which contains much content, and a second book B which relies on some of that content. I took the time to compile only the content from A that is relevant for use with B into a ...
lucidbrot's user avatar
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To what extent do I have the right to quote other works to parody or reference them?

Do I have the right to have my character "blast off at the speed of light" as a reference to Pokemon's Team Rocket Trio? Do I have the right to have my character lock another character in an office ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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May I claim fair use for public commentary of a political ad?

Preface I am not a legal professional I know that fair use is such an ambiguous area. Hypothetical Scenario I want to publish (online) a marked up copy of a political candidate's campaign ...
Walter Stabosz's user avatar
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Would I violate copyright by making transcriptions of copyrighted music and posting them online if I don't make money off of it? [duplicate]

If I were to make transcriptions of copyrighted music and make them available on sites such as MuseScore or post the audio on YouTube and I did not make any kind of advertising revenue or any money ...
Alex's user avatar
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Is it fair use to buy a Mac, not use it, and build a hackintosh?

There have been threads like with some user's commentary amounting to "I purchased 4 iPhones! I'm entitled!"...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Is it allowed to sell 3D models of existing brands?

Case: I make 3D models for architecture. Now I made a bundle of IKEA furniture to use in my interior scenes. I do this for clients to give them a visual representation of what a room can be. Because ...
S.Visser's user avatar
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Is this pdf a copyright infringment?

The Pontifical Biblical Commision of the Vatican produces documents in several languages - but not in all of them. For instance, the document L'interprétation de la Bible dans l'Église (The ...
abracadabra's user avatar
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Copyright Law and Terms and Services

Terms and Conditions for websites often include provisions pertaining to Copyright Law. To what extent can those Terms and Conditions, as a contract, alter standard copyright law and Fair Use? Can ...
Eremi's user avatar
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What is legally citable from printed material such as books and references when I want to reproduce a photograph of a page?

I'm writing a style guide for programming and one of the examples I'm providing for describing what it's like to read bad code is by comparing it to reading a bad novel. I know through experience ...
Zhro's user avatar
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Copyright shakedown

I've been receiving threatening letters from a law firm regarding a meme I posted on my blog 2 years ago. Turns out the image was derived from a photo by Agence France Presse. I took it down ...
user18905's user avatar
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Is it legal (fair use) to use lyrics as part of a personal project?

Hypothetical question: Imagine I am working on a memorial bench for a family member who recently passed away. As part of this project I would like to use two stanzas from a commercially released song ...
Nicholas's user avatar
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Using a company's logo for a simulated experience in a classroom

As a teacher I often like to ask my students to complete projects that require them to role play an employee at a well-known company. For example, I've taught a class on gentrification before, and I ...
Jared's user avatar
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What right do I have to use images of products which are published on the manufacturer's website?

I manage a web store which sells products, and I use the photos of the products from the manufacturer's website in the web store when showing the product and price etc to the customer. I assume the ...
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Can a journalist publish emails sent to him/her by a diplomat at a foreign country's embassy, obtained while undercover, without infringing copyright?

Let's say the emails contain no personal or secret information, but merely state the diplomat's interpretation of his/her country's position on an issue.
Josiah_Doe's user avatar
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Can I use the rating of different restaurants from different websites like Yelp on my own website?

I am thinking of creating a website with restaurants ratings. You would be able to search for restaurants and in the result list you would see the name of the restaurant and the ratings of different ...
jnbdz's user avatar
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Is it likely that I will be able to use short (1 second) video clips in my mobile app?

In Android and iOS there are "GIF Keyboard" apps. Here's an example. These apps give their users the ability to search for and send a wide variety of GIFs to other people through messaging apps, such ...
Foobar's user avatar
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Fair use of software in school

Maybe it is a strange question but as a curiosity, if there are pirated softwares installed on our school's computer, is it considered as fair use to take exam using them?
Reza Abdolhakim's user avatar
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Does this usage fall under "fair use"?

I am considering writing an open source software, which would help writers and editors in their work. For this means, it would incorporate suggestions based on statistical analysis of English book ...
D. Kovács's user avatar
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Using trademark as a name in a book?

I am writing a childrens book and a character in it is supposed to be called Google. Is that legal? I am only using the word 'google' and not the colors, font etc that the word is written on the ...
user8960664's user avatar
8 votes
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Do search engines need permission to start searching?

I was talking to my friends a few days ago about search engines and we started discussing whether or not they need permission from websites to crawl them. I looked this one up and it said on Quora ...
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Who owns copyright of video gameplay captures?

There are many videos on Youtube and it doesn't seem they are being removed, so one might conclude that they do not infringe copyright of the game publisher. But it could also be that for copyright ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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Use of copyrighted character in software, as a joke

I sometimes insert copyrighted fictional character's images from a franchise on the rarest of error screens ("should never happen" type of thing). This time though, I work for a company, making their ...
loa_in_'s user avatar
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Trademark use in software package names (USA)

Does the use of a Trademark in a software package (an NPM package for example) qualify for descriptive fair use if its usage is intended to describe how the package relates to the original trademarked ...
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