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Questions tagged [international]

For questions about the interaction of two or more sovereign states, including agreements and laws between them, and disputes of jurisdiction for civil or criminal matters.

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What are the implications of the Good Friday Agreement for customs controls?

After the Good Friday Agreement was concluded, customs and security controls between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom were removed (From Wikipedia). The Irish border is one of the major ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Which countries grant extraterritoriality to US citizens?

Some countries have ceded, to the United States, some control in the application of their own laws within their own borders. A historical example would be the Treaty of Wanghia, signed with China in ...
Flux's user avatar
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Returning goods bought online in Poland as foreigner

I am a Czech national living just at the Polish border. I want to buy a laptop online at Polish online store called The store offers the goods to be sent to a Polish post office for pickup ...
Kozuch's user avatar
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Private military activity

Is there any country that would legally allow a private military organization to take part in a military conflict outside of its own borders? For example, a private military agency established in ...
Felix L.'s user avatar
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Have "objection to" vs. "acceptance of" a treaty reservation ever had different effects?

The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties has provisions with regards to action a state may take in response to a reservation to a treaty. Assume that Article 20 (1-3) do not apply. Article 21: ...
jimsug's user avatar
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Why doesn't Ecuador make Julian Assange an ambassador?

Julian Assange is currently living in the London Ecuadorian embassy to avoid being extradited to Sweden. It's my understanding that diplomats are immune from prosecution, detention, and (presumably) ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How does the EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings address cooperation between between EU and non-EU insolvency courts?

In particular, I am curious how the EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings addresses issues with cross-border corporate groups. The UNCITRAL Model Law contains provisions on the cooperation of ...
JSW189's user avatar
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Can the U.S. self identify as a "developing" country within the WTO organization?

Criticisms of the WTO by the United States and others, such as the European Union and Japan, fall into three major categories: the ability of WTO members to self-identify as “developing” countries in ...
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For the purposes of the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, is being ordered to and appearing before a court "detention" under any charges?

As a criminally charged person before the court, are you detained or are you free to go while before the court per the order of the court to be present in a criminal hearing? International Law 1963 ...
kisspuska's user avatar
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What international laws were broken by Belarus diverting a flight to arrest someone?

Belarus has been in the news for diverting a civilian airliner flying in their airspace (but not from or to Belarus) to arrest a prominent opposition activist. What laws were broken? My understanding ...
ConanTheGerbil's user avatar
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Is it illegal for a European to be paid for giving financial advice to people in the US?

I live in a country in the EU in which giving financial advice, such as stock tips, and getting paid for this is perfectly legal for a private individual. Let's say I have a friend in the US who asks ...
phhhlpfk's user avatar
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What law governs providing online services

I have a following question. Let’s say I want to provide a service of fitness coaching. In my country(Czech Republic) to do so, you must have a certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, before ...
Patrick Kusebauch's user avatar
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What determines the pertinent regulations on the sale of products and services to passengers in international flight?

I hope someone can help. I am conducting research and have been looking at the Chicago and Tokyo conventions with respect to which convention governs the sale of goods and services to passengers when ...
Mike Tocknell's user avatar
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What effect does the EU Biopatent Directive have if there is the independent European Patent Office with its own law and court?

The EU Commission and the European Patent Office (EPO) are currently fighting over whether plants that are not registered varieties are patentable. The EPO exists independently from the EU as an ...
akraf's user avatar
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Are standards and regulations a kind of law?

Are standards and regulations (often set at international level) a kind of law? For example aerospace standards: a company could be prosecuted if it did not follow particular standards. But is the ...
52d6c6af's user avatar
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"Reading up" law?

I am currently taking an undergraduate Introduction to International Law course. In an email to the students regarding an upcoming case brief, my professor clarified that one part of the rationale ...
ejLev's user avatar
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Could one buy a whole country?

Imagine a billionaire who is obsessed with the idea of running his own country. The size and geo location does not matter much. What matters is full sovereignty and international recognition. ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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How will International Law respond if an uncontrolled epidemic in a failed state threatens to become a pandemic?

Epidemics like SARS and Influenza often originate in impoverished regions that are all too common in failed states.
Richard Stanzak's user avatar
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Does adding text "I am not a lawyer" or equivalent, on the internet in general, do anything in legal terms?

There's this question here about US specifically, but I'm interested to know if, in general, on any site on the internet, whichever jurisdiction its content may be hosted in, does adding "I am not a ...
user1306322's user avatar
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I agree to the terms and conditions on this website

In the US we have the concept of a digital signature being anything that two parties agree to being a "signature". We are just now internationalizing our website and I'm wondering just how valid our "...
boatcoder's user avatar
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Is giving money to a foreign government illegal?

If somebody who was a citizen from one country decided to send a gift to the government/etc. of another country, would that be against the law somehow? Suspicious? Bad for the person? Say Tom is a ...
TheRustyWallet's user avatar
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Difference between Europol members and Europol cooperating countries

According to Europol, they are actually 28 members in this organization but also numbers of others external co-operating countries like Switzerland, Norway and even USA So, what the point of being ...
guest's user avatar
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Where in the Protect America Act is it stated that the NSA can monitor all electronic communication?

There is a statement that I have heard floating around regarding the Protect America Act (2007) and the powers it grants to the NSA (National ...
Brandon Bradley's user avatar
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What do you do if you get bothersome local calls to an international number?

I've come to an issue that's list does not accept Canadian area codes. However, I kept getting unwanted calls from several American companies trying to scam me with their ...
cnst's user avatar
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Does State Responsibility Arise from Supporting Non-State Actors in Acts of Genocide?

I am researching the legal implications of state support for non-state actors that commit acts of genocide. Specifically, I am interested in understanding whether a sovereign state incurs legal ...
이준현's user avatar
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How would one go about a DBA on the internet?

AFAIK a DBA (Doing business as) needs to be for the target market, not for the place of the business. If I'm wrong, that's that. If I'm correct, then how would one who is selling over the internet to (...
ispiro's user avatar
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Legality of offering psychotherapy from a foreign country (Romania/U.S.)

My partner is a therapist in Romania. She has the master's degree and required endorsements (called "attestations" in Romania) to practice, and she sees several Romanian clients. She also ...
M Katz's user avatar
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What is an OFAC "prohibited transaction"?

so obvious first step: the official OFAC F.A.Q. (i.e. of the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control in the U.S. Treasury Department): 3. What does one mean by the term "prohibited transactions&...
Brenda.ZMPOV's user avatar
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Why Saudia Arabia Consulate's website in the United States (US) require US certification of Power of Attorney document if both are members of HCCH?

Why does the Saudia Arabia Consulate in the United States (US) require US certification of Power of Attorney document if they are member of HCCH? Documents and Powers of Attorney Notary Public The ...
Coo's user avatar
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Working for a company based in Paris remotely from Sri Lanka

I'm Sri Lankan, I live in Sri Lanka and I'm going to have a remote job in a Paris company(It'll end up my current job contract at next year July, which I bond to the Paris company by a Secondment ...
Asaprab's user avatar
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How does the WTO define what a 'public body' is?

Washington has repeatedly complained that its judges have adopted a narrow definition of what constitutes a ‘public body,’ effectively allowing several Chinese companies to receive government ...
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Does apply Single Tax Principle in that situation?

Does apply Single Tax Principle in that situation: Person is citizen of Chile, but currently lives and has residence in Ukraine and works remotely meanwhile Chile. Does he need pay taxes in Ukraine?
faro's user avatar
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Does a foreign company need to be HIPAA compliant to work with a covered entity?

If I'm a HIPAA covered entity and I want to work with a foreign company (e.g. the foreign company would provide the covered entity with PHI from US and other people), does that foreign company also ...
user113589's user avatar
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Can a server justify a permanent establishment in a tax manner?

Let's assume I am located in Germany, but I am operating servers in some other country, for example Ireland. My fictional business is running these servers to rent them out to others (like hosting ...
miho's user avatar
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Will China's new encryption laws affect electronics exported to the USA?

China is about to roll out a new encryption law that will require the Chinese government "to seize all communications, data, and other information stored in electronic form that belong to foreign ...
Pheric's user avatar
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Is this airline violating the Montreal Convention?

According to the Montreal Convention, I can read the following: Article 17 - 2. The carrier liable for damage sustained in case of destruction or loss of, or of damage to, checked ...
Noldor130884's user avatar
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Can a non US citizen work remotely for a US company and be under their payroll?

Some context: I've been in the US for almost 5 years under a F1 visa. In the last year I've worked under OPT for a company in the US. I have a SSN but my card says "valid for work only with DHS ...
jmy's user avatar
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How can a country reclaim money held in Swiss bank(s)?

Suppose, a 3rd world country X had a corrupt/autocratic government in the 90's. Politicians embezzled a lot of public money and deposited them in various banks in Switzerland. In the 2010's, that ...
user366312's user avatar
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How do sanctions apply to intellectual property and copyright infringement

Scenario: Business X in country A sells software with a subscription license. Business Y in country B pays monthly for software from X. Country A and B are members of the Berne Convention Example ...
Brett Allen's user avatar
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Vienna Contract on Road Traffic - can I take my E-Bike (Moped) abroad?

I did some research on that topic, but it did not really become clear to me. Situation: I live in Switzerland. Switzerland did not declare to treat Mopeds as Motor Cycles - Article 54 (2). My fast ...
Michael K's user avatar
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International purchase for a family member

I have little experience with the law, so I wanted to ask about my situation before I take any action. A cousin asked me to purchase an item on Amazon and send it to them internationally via UPS (I ...
Wishing-Star's user avatar
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Is the current Israel/Gaza conflict "war" or "law enforcement"?

My understanding is that Israel justifies its actions on the West Bank as enforcing Israeli Military Orders, which they claim are based on international law. Do they claim that these still apply to ...
Keith McClary's user avatar
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Is it required to include "Disagree" buttons for terms of service?

When installing software applications for the first time, there's usually a prompt to accept/reject the terms of service. Accepting the terms grant access to the service while disagreeing closes the ...
Ralph's user avatar
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What international law requires armed police to be present in international airports?

Among its reasons for reintroducing weapons into Solomon Islands' police force, RAMSI states that Under international conventions it is a requirement that all international airports maintain an ...
Dan's user avatar
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Autorité vs Haute Autorité

In France, we have so called Autorités Administratives Indépendantes which have various kind of names. Is there a difference in the law between Autorité (for example Autorité de sûreté nucléaire) and ...
Samuel's user avatar
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How is the legal successor of the rigths of a no longer existing state determined?

I was reading about the conflict between Spain and a company (Oddisey) about the ownership of a wrecked treasure ship. Essentially that ship was sunk in 1804 full of gold, and the dispute was about ...
Trebia Project.'s user avatar
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How did Eurovision handle countries without a de jure official language?

At some stages of its history, the Eurovision Song Contest had restrictions on what languages could be sung by a given country. However, it seems that countries that lacked a de jure official ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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Article 9, ECHR question

Just doing some reading on human rights law, particularly article 9 and the case of R(on the application of Playfoot) v Millais School Governing Body (2007). I wanted to know if a specific ...
Anona anon's user avatar
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Is .xyz not available in China? Is accreditation is required for all new TLDs?

Researching, I've come across and, with a prominent link from the latter to a page called ".xyz for China". Thank you for your continued support ...
cnst's user avatar
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When unmanned objects, such as satellites, are used for military purposes, do they become valid military targets according to international law?

In the current conflict in Ukraine there has been some speculation that Russia may try to knock out or disable satellites used in support of the Ukrainian army. Notably, large civilian constellations ...
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