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Questions tagged [investigation]

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-2 votes
1 answer

Does the FBI tell you if they take on a case you asked them to look into?

I'm dealing with a dirty courthouse that has chosen to take the path of inaction for a civil rights violation, and was wondering what the FBI (US Marshals said they investigate dirty courthouses when ...
person's user avatar
  • 179
-5 votes
2 answers

How does the presumption of innocence apply to investigative interest by police?

Does the presumption of innocence apply at the investigatory phase of a criminal inquiry? For instance if a crime victim presents the police with substantial circumstantial evidence pointing it a ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Suspect's Right to Privacy in Court

If no charges have been filed, do courts have any responsibility to protect a suspect's privacy during an investigation? Example below. Let's say this is in New Jersey, United States. Mrs. X is under ...
user75575's user avatar
  • 127
1 vote
1 answer

Why did FBI establish such intense surveillance to prove Jeremy Hammond's guilt? Jeremy Hammond was a computer hacker who attacked Stratfor firm. Once FBI was able to pinpoint the real identity of the person behind one of the nicknames ...
lllliquid's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

In US, does an investigator always present the evidence of guilt of a suspect no matter what?

In US criminal justice system, must the investigator always provide the evidence that the particular suspect is the one who indeed perpetrated the crime, no matter what investigation procedures and ...
lllliquid's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Access to information from supermarkets

In a criminal investigation, do the police have access to shopping information / do the police do research that far? In case of any police officer requesting data from recently bought products (for ...
Nuro007's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Do victims have a right to be informed of the follow-up or lack thereof on their crime reports?

Meet Alice. She was assaulted and reported this to the police while offering them evidence of the assault. They tell her the report has been duly noted, thank her for her time, and wish her a nice day....
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Search warrants for the property of people not suspected of a crime

I'm interested in the New York City jurisdiction. Imagine a person is involved, or suspected to be involved, in a crime, yet they are not suspected of having committed any crime. For example, imagine ...
user110391's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What happens during and after investigations into a false conviction?

I'm interested in the NY(C) jurisdiction. So, the relevant people are convinced that a person might have been wrongfully convicted. So, an investigation starts, and it proves this. Then, the person is ...
user110391's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Why is there seemingly no information on FIMS?

Why is there seemingly no information on FIMS? Why is there seemingly no publicly available information on FIMS? FIMS is the police's facial identification manager software used by officers to ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I pursue a non-responsive company for tax docs and potentially money back?

In late 2021 I invested in a Qualified Opportunity Zone (QoZ) that closely aligned with my values. This year, I haven't heard from them for various requests of mine (typically before April 2022 and ...
perennial_noob's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Are there any laws/policies regarding the contents of public addressals on unsolved murders?

I'm writing a fictional book set in NYC. As a part of the plot, there's public addressals on the on-going case. I'm just wondering what laws/policies pertain to what can and cannot be said about the ...
user110391's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it legal to release the identities of investigators of an active case?

I first want to preface this by saying what I don't know regarding preliminary details: I don't know whether there are public records of all the police officers and detectives working at a precinct. ...
user110391's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

US Law on interfering in a federal investigation

A hypothetical situation: Suppose someone finds out through neighborhood gossip that one of their neighbors is under investigation for possible smuggling of arms across the US-Mexico border. He is a ...
kleinerde's user avatar
  • 301
0 votes
1 answer

Is It Legal For Amateurs To Investigate Crimes / Cold Cases?

As someone who is not a member of law enforcement, I have an interest in possibly investigating unsolved crimes and cold cases near me, including missing persons. I am in Michigan, in case ...
Zephyr's user avatar
  • 165
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Can a family ask the government to hide the details of a relative's death?

I know of a fictional story plot where the cause of someone's death is unknown. The death may be due to natural causes, or it could be murder. The government investigates, but the findings are hidden ...
The Editor's user avatar
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What would happen if a minor was falsely accused of being a predator by an online sting group for sexting and an investigation started? [closed]

What would happen if a minor sexted other minors online, posted offensive and outrageous things, adult porn and a sting group reported them to the police assuming they were a predator and essentially ...
m120's user avatar
  • 31
0 votes
1 answer

How can i check a curent investigation of a company?

I'm interested in crypto, and unfortunately there's what i suspect to be this huge scam going on the market, its called tether, although legally i can't claim it is a scam. Basically they've had a ...
Imeguras's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote
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UK law: compromising digital material - compelling someone to inform who showed them a naked video

A video depicting a friend, is allegedly circulating at my local pub which is embarrassing and demeaning to them, showing them naked, though not actually engaged in any relational activity. The person ...
Thomas Browne's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Are online accounts and phone numbers frozen when "electronic devices" are seized by law enforcement?

The recent seizure of the cellphones and computers of Rudy Giuliani by the FBI led me to wonder about the immediate, extra-legal consequences for such an individual. Would this individual be ...
spring's user avatar
  • 320
4 votes
2 answers

Who investigates the Kidnapped Sheriff?

Assume the mob kidnaps the sheriff of a county of Colorado (18 USC 351 does not apply to the Sheriff, right?) and they never cross the state border. During the kidnapping, the mob's enforcers wound a ...
Trish's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

Can you legally move a dead body to preserve it as evidence?

A fisherman is heading upstream in his boat, and sees a human corpse float past. Obviously even if it wasn't murder, it still warrants a 911 call because it was a death. The river however, is steadily ...
Razmode's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Must VPN service providers whose servers are in the US, disclose a customer's IP address upon request from another country?

Is it obligatory for a VPN service provider with servers in the United States to disclose a user's personal information (such as IP address and logs) in response to a request that came from another ...
infinitieunique's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Do non-criminal investigations require consent of the subjects? [closed]

Besides criminal investigation, there are other kinds of investigation: journalism investigation, insurance investigation, social worker investigation, etc. Due to the nature of investigation, ...
Ooker's user avatar
  • 487
1 vote
2 answers

Can owner of stolen goods found for sale subpoena seller to disclose the source?

Someone steals Bob's bike in 2010. In 2020 Bob finds it for sale. It's too late to prosecute for theft, so the police wouldn't bother. Of course Bob doesn't know if the seller was the thief. The bike ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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2 votes
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New employer asking permission to run a background check

I received a job offer (for a software engineer position at a small, remotely distributed company), verbally agreed to it on the phone, signed the offer, and then received a copy with the manager's ...
Ryan's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote
2 answers

Accusing me of committing hit and run (when I didn’t)

I got a call from an investigator from Arlington Texas informing me that a couple has accused me of hitting their car in in December in their apartment complex parking lot. The husband stepped out of ...
Banana friend's user avatar
25 votes
6 answers

Is the worst version of the accusations against President Trump impeachable?

Suppose the president of the US demands foreign leader X have X's state conduct an investigation into corrupt dealings of a family member of a former member of the previous US administration (and a ...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 627
1 vote
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Drug dealer & criminal signed the lease agreement

Say someone signs a lease with someone else. For clarity the drug dealers name will be Mike and other persons name will be Steve. Now Mike begins to drug deal and do drugs inside the house along with ...
user55665484375's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What is the Basis in Law that an "Investigation 'Quid Pro Quo'" is Unlawful or Unconstitutional?

In cases of investigating election fraud, there seems to be a potential for a conflict of interest no matter who investigates it. So, why can't the White House investigate campaign issues (involving ...
elika kohen's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it legal to hire a Private Investigator in Korea? If not, what's the closest alternative?

I'm writing a story and I'm asking for factual accuracy in the storyline. (Not asking for suggestions in hiring an actual PI.) I know for a fact that it's now illegal in Korea to hire a Private ...
BeardWix's user avatar
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0 answers

Why was the decision to make a non-traditional prosecutorial judgement unclear at the start of the 2017 Special Counsel Investigation?

Background One comment on this question about Robert Mueller's 2017 Special Counsel Investigation inquired about a specific aspect of the investigation. This aspect related to the prosecutorial ...
isakbob's user avatar
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2 votes
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How do you obtain evidence for GDPR violations?

What happens when say company EvilkorP sends untrue information and/or information that it is not entitled to share to company Y, and EvilkorP asks company Y to mention some fact about the victim (you)...
Barbara Streisand's user avatar
0 votes
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Is a FBI background investigation for a DoD clearance any different than that of a Supreme Court Justice?

My experience includes being interviewed for a colleague's DoD clearance. They do want to know about adverse information such as DUI / alcohol abuse. As I understand it, the recent background ...
gatorback's user avatar
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I believe my ex is using DHS to create problems for me, what can i do? [closed]

I have recently received a visit from child protective services. The visit was due to a report of possible neglect regarding my youngest child. I am confident after speaking with the social worker ...
Dawn's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

If someone under investigation is told they are not a "Criminal Target", what are the ways that they can later become one?

Background Back on April 3rd, the Washington Post reported that Donald Tump was not a Criminal Target in Special Council Mueller's probe. Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III informed ...
isakbob's user avatar
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What methods do lawyers use to find hidden property and assets during divorce

When divorce attorneys are helping clients, what methods do they have at their disposal to find assets and property that has been hidden by their opponents clients? Is there a proper phase for this ...
mark b's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can police refuse criminal case about stolen mobile phone? How can such crimes be investigated?

Mobile phone and some precious things were stolen from my friend, but the police refuses to start a criminal case (proceedings) to investigate the crime. They are saying that the thief cannot be ...
TomR's user avatar
  • 375
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Are the U.S. military police allowed to operate on U.S. soil?

Recently I saw an action movie about military police officer in the U.S. One question surfaced for me - as far as I understand main task of military police (including its investigators) is to combat ...
Maksim Khaitovich's user avatar
7 votes
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When a PI is conducting surveillance, why is audio enhancement considered wiretapping

Most Texas PIs seem to consider the use of audio enhancement technology to be wiretapping. But they do not seem to consider video or photography enhancement technology to be the same. A Texas PI will ...
mark b's user avatar
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Couldn't Comey avoid the whole kerfuffle with a simple question?

Yesterday (6/8/2017) fmr FBI Director Comey testified that President Trump told him during a dinner which the 2 of them had (with no witnesses present) something along the lines of "I hope you can let ...
grovkin's user avatar
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