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Is it illegal to threaten to present criminal charges in a civil lawsuit?

New Jersey Rule of Professional Conduct 3.4(g) provides that an attorney “shall not … present, participate in presenting, or threaten to present criminal charges to obtain an improper advantage in a ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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How did balance of probabilities come to be called preponderance of the evidence in the US?

The civil standard of proof is rather than "beyond a reasonable doubt" (what criminal standards of proof are called in both England and the US), either the balance of probabilities or a ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
18 votes
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Everything which is not forbidden is allowed

I've read that "Everything which is not forbidden is allowed." I don't know if this is strictly true in the USA. I also saw in another question that the following Colorado law exists for ...
James's user avatar
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Categories of US law

Considering US law (federal, state and local), are there any laws which fall outside of the following categories (pulled from Wikipedia)? Criminal Law Tort Law Contract Law Property Law ...
Wolf Larson's user avatar
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What legally happens if the person being sued cannot pay the amount owed. (Special Case)

Here's a situation related to a story that's been in the news lately. I have no experience with any legal situations, so apologies for using incorrect terms/vocab. Conditions: The person being sued ...
Nafana's user avatar
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6 votes
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Selective Enforcement vs. Equal Protection

Does Selective Enforcement contradict Equal Protection? Obviously, it may be impractical for police officers to issue traffic tickets to every driver they observe exceeding the speed limit, so ...
sds's user avatar
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Is investigative intimidation illegal?

I had an account a 'redacted' closed and they have told me that they are investigating my account and seeing if legal action needs to be taken. I take this as a deliberate threat of legal intimidation....
Charge of Coats's user avatar
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Can you take an employer to court for false promise?

When I was interviewing for a contractor job, the hiring manager indicated many times that they would convert my position to full time job within one year. (I resigned from my full time job to take ...
user1471980's user avatar
30 votes
4 answers

When is ignorance a legal defense?

In the United States, under what circumstances is ignorance of a law or legal principle a defense against legal action?
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