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What are the formal steps that a legislator follows when enacting positive law? [closed]

Someone has a problem or unmet need. That person approaches a legislator with the problem or unmet need. The legislator follows a process to reason. The legislator follows a process to verbally ...
DAN BHATT's user avatar
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Classification of laws from a perspective of consequences of action

I am looking for a classification of laws from a perspective of consequences of action. For example: "If you do this, something good will happen to you." "If you do this, something bad will happen ...
DAN BHATT's user avatar
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What are the different kinds of rules/procedures that describe what counts-as/constitutes a rule change and what kinds of problems can they cause?

This is a question about legislation, including constitutive rules and administrative law To give some context, I am interested in legal reasoning (as in a logic of law), but I am not a legal-expert. ...
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