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Questions tagged [motor-vehicle]

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Do I have any legal avenues if someone drives with an obnoxiously loud motor vehicle through a city in Sweden?

Sometimes when I'm in the city someone will drive through the streets with a car that's obviously been modified to be obnoxiously loud, often enough to be heard several blocks away. Is there anything ...
Newbyte's user avatar
  • 163
2 votes
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Does legislation in India allow electronic communication devices to be in stand-by when driving?

Jurisdiction: Union of India Legislation/s: Central Motor Vehicles Act, Motor Vehicles Rules Quote Section 184 of the Motor Vehicles Act: States that whoever drives a motor vehicle in any public ...
Everyone's user avatar
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State rights regulating traffic safety

The increasing weight and height of passenger vehicles puts others at risk during side-impact collisions, as well as at risk due to disparity between large heavy passenger-truck EVs and small ...
paulj's user avatar
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Can a driver "demand" a blood test in Alabama?

Context I understand that, in most states, you more or less must* consent to a chemical blood alcohol content test if arrested on suspicion of DUI. In Alabama specifically, the law states (emphasis ...
JamesTheAwesomeDude's user avatar
3 votes
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If a vehicle is pulled over are the passengers under any obligations?

In most/all jurisdictions when a car is pulled over by the police it is required to stop and the driver has some obligations, usually related providing documents showing their ownership of the vehicle,...
User65535's user avatar
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Criminal procedure to dismiss a case

When one has been summoned to a pre-trial conference in a municipal court over a minor traffic offense, if one wants to request, pro se, from the judge a dismissal of the case, it would seem to be ...
user2065068's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What US states can forbid a citizen from owning a motor vehicle?

Inspired by this Judge Judy case: The plaintiff was not allowed to own a car, allegedly because she had too many traffic violations. Is this possible? In ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Can I cover the sports logo on a license plate?

I’m getting my car registered, and I’d like a black license plate to match the paint. Nevada has a Las Vegas Raiders License plate that is black, but it has the Raiders' logo. Would it be legal to ...
Matthew Reyes's user avatar
2 votes
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What emission laws apply to diesel electric trucks?

There’s a truck manufacturer called Edison motors. They make hybrid electric trucks where the truck is powered by batteries and there’s an onboard generator which charges the batteries when it gets ...
rsn's user avatar
  • 121
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Does outfitting your vehicle with aftermarket equipment place your vehicle in violation of U.S. Motor Vehicle Safety Standards?

Automotive enthusiasts like to outfit their motor vehicles with aftermarket accessories that increase the performance and capabilities for specific purposes. This could include high performance cars, ...
Kevin A's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

Can you put your YouTube handle on a passenger vehicle

I have a friend who is just starting an outdoor travel YouTube channel with the intention of making money. They are not currently registered as an LLC (or anything). Their camera and video editing ...
StrongBad's user avatar
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1 vote
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Must all accidents be reported to your insurance company in the UK?

Disclaimer - This is a follow on question from the previous one I asked on whether it is a crime to fail to stop. Let's say I have some sort of minor damage to my car, such as a scratch/dent from ...
Space fighter's user avatar
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Is not stopping for a damaged car wing mirror counted as a hit-and-run?

It is a fairly common occurance for many motorists to have either a car wing mirror damaged or knocked off, especially on tight and difficult to navigate roads in the UK where there is little room to ...
Space fighter's user avatar
5 votes
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When does a "range extender" become a "hybrid"?

Some companies sell their vehicles as "hybrid" vehicles, in that they take both an electric plug and fossil fuels to make them go. Some are referred to as "Self Charging Hybrids", ...
James Geddes's user avatar
3 votes
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Must a driving instructor accompany a learner on a motorcycle in India?

I am an Indian citizen who recently entered adulthood. I have thus been learning how to drive vehicles. To be able to drive a vehicle in order to gain experience, you need a Learner's license, as is ...
Suchet Saxena's user avatar
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Can you inspect your own vehicle in Texas?

In Texas, with the proper licensing and training, is it possible to inspect one's own vehicle?
Cody Kentucky's user avatar
1 vote
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What date is considered “start of residency” for Maryland MVA?

I am new to Maryland and am trying to resister and title my vehicle. On the MVA website, it states the following: If you qualify for the tax credit by titling in MD within 60 days of residency, ...
Tod Flow's user avatar
-2 votes
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Would it be legal to build a self driving car?

If I wanted to build a self driving car, and had the money, equipment, and knowledge to do do, would it be legal? Could I take my hands off the wheel/feet off the pedals while driving, as long as I ...
Someone's user avatar
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What possible penalties can there be for failing to comply with rule 286 of the UK highway code?

Rule 286 requires one to give one's name and address to another party in the case of an accident, but what is the penalty range for non compliance?
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
9 votes
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What are the Legal obligations of a bicyclist who accidentally scratches one’s empty parked car?

What are an uninsured bicyclist’s legal liabilities and responsibilities in England who accidentally runs into thus leaving a minor scratch on an empty parked car? In case of a motorist who is ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Liability for a driver hitting a concrete-filled pumpkin on purpose

This YouTube short video describes a man (let's call him Peter) who has placed Halloween pumpkins at the end of his driveway, only to have the pumpkins intentionally run over by car drivers, so as a ...
FlanMan's user avatar
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Seller signed title but buyer completed info

I traded my truck for work to be completed on my house , I signed the title but did not put buyers name or any other info , he filled it in and got it in his name and has not completed the work on my ...
Rkr's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How to get a motorcycle to a skills test

I have a motorcycle skills test at a North Carolina DMV to hopefully pass the skills portion of the requirements. I currently have a valid car drivers license. The motorcycle in question has a legal ...
rob's user avatar
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Can bona fide purchasers transfer the title of real estate or a motor vehicle?

This is a follow up question of the question entitled "Equity's darling": How do U.S. courts overcome bona fide purchasers?", and seeks the answer to what happens when BFP's engage in ...
kisspuska's user avatar
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Can a manufacturer be imposed civil penalties under Song-Beverly after a vehicle replacement was accepted?

Bob purchased a vehicle for $75,001 which eventually meets the lemon law presumption of the Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act, and Bob serves a statutory notice upon the manufacturer about its duties ...
HJay's user avatar
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Is it legal to obscure the address on V5C(W) (logbook)?

A family member has just purchased a car from an entity that was purporting to be a car dealer, and the V5C(W) (part of the document that defines the registered keeper) with which they were provided ...
Dave's user avatar
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Can buyer sue the seller who sold a car to the seller of a car?

If person A is a criminal man and changes the odometer of a used car then sells it to person B, then after some time person B who doesn't know about the truth advertises the car with the fake mileage ...
GoodMan's user avatar
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How can somebody pay taxes of a "gifted" car?

Suppose someone buys a used car for cash, and the seller says "I will write in the title that it's a gift to avoid sales tax, instead of giving you a discount". Suppose further that the ...
GoodMan's user avatar
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Can service on a potential civil suit defendant be performed directly even if their agent has demanded otherwise?

Bob buys a car that meets the "lemon-law" presumption of California's lemon laws; to collect civil penalties for non-willful violations, he needs to serve a notice on the manufacturer. But ...
HJay's user avatar
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How does Colorado law protect victims of odometer fraud?

I'm trying to understand how Colorado law regards odometer fraud, and also what actions may be taken (and when) to follow up on odometer fraud. First question: Is odometer fraud a felony or a ...
WasteAllocLoadLifter-Earth's user avatar
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On what type of area, land or territory can you abandon your vehicle in California without providing a right to anyone to get your vehicle towed?

...Other than land, area or territory of your own or under your control or one you have contractual permission for. For 4 weeks? And for 3 months? More?
kisspuska's user avatar
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What effect does this ruling have on the burden of proof, if any?

“[T]he Act does not require consumers to take any affirmative steps to secure relief for the failure of a manufacturer to service or repair a vehicle to conform to applicable warranties—other than, of ...
HJay's user avatar
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Somebody's mother was scammed by a car dealer. What laws might apply?

Imagine that earlier today, a person was buying a car. They are in their 70s, but relatively competent. They landed on what they thought was a pre-owned 2020 Mazda CX-5 Signature, valued at about $...
Evorlor's user avatar
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Lemon Law: May civil penalties be assessed for the damages more than once and each up to 2 times thereafter?

Hypo... Bob buys a vehicle for $20,000 with a balance on the new vehicle warranty from the manufacturer; however, soon finds out that the engine, the AC and the radio do not conform to the written ...
kisspuska's user avatar
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9 votes
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What is the difference between obtaining title to a car and registering a car?

In the United States, a person can obtain a government-issued "certificate of title" for a car. There is also a "registration" process, and there are registration forms. What is ...
Samuel Muldoon's user avatar
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Is it legal to issue private road notices on public estates in the UK

This morning I parked my car around the corner in a new housing estate and walked to work. When I got back to my car, I found this stuck on the windshield... The housing estate is completely new and ...
Matthew Layton's user avatar
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Seek second opinion for failed vehicle inspection

I brought my car to a mechanic for an annual state inspection. The mechanic identified a defect which prevented them from passing the car. I brought the vehicle to a different mechanic, disclosed the ...
blackboxlogic's user avatar
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Can vehicle owners ever be held to account for accidents caused by someone else driving?

Bob owns a car. Rob borrows it, drives, breaks some road rules and causes an accident with a hell lot of damage, blood and sorrow (all hypothetical). Under what circumstances can Bob be held liable ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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I purchased a vehicle with my money for a business and now the business owner is claiming it is his [closed]

There are two titles because the original owner thought he lost the title in the past and requested a duplicate title and didn't realized he gave me the original. Using the original title I obtained ...
Business go wrong's user avatar
3 votes
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No Blinker in a Left Turn Lane: Is It Illegal?

My question is simple, and pedantic: An intersection near my house has a marked left turn lane, and a marked straight lane. Problem is, the main road turns to the right at this roughly "Y" ...
bracec's user avatar
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List of motor vehicle work (car or motorcycle) that requires licensed mechanic when performed by a for-profit business in Ontario?

When I retire, I'd like to open up my own garage, but don't want the overhead and stress of having to hire a licensed mechanic, and don't want to get certified myself. I know there are certain things ...
R C's user avatar
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Can I become a resident without changing my car registration? Co-lessee and lease are in Texas; the car and I moved to Pennsylvania

Recently I moved to PA after graduating from WV. I, my car, and my car's lease (from a credit union) are from Texas. When I leased, my dad got on it with me so I could go through his credit union. He'...
Feliks Pyron's user avatar
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How would I claim an abandoned car I found on my property I want to restore?

I do not own the title or have any registration but it’s been sitting in the woods for at least 5 years. I want to restore it but I don’t want to invest money and not be able to own it. This is in the ...
user35776's user avatar
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Liability of non-fault driver after impact

I have seen many dash cam videos that show cars impacting then just rolling on without driver input until they roll into something solid. It seems that after impact some drivers just take their hands ...
Bohemian's user avatar
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Friend wants to put me on his insurance, how can this bite me in the ass if we get into an accident?

UNITED STATES, WASHINGTON STATE, PIERCE COUNTY, TACOMA CITY I have a house mate who is disabled due to a stroke and cannot drive his car. He suggested to me that I can drive his car and in return i ...
How To Legal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does Council removal of a vehicle constitute Trespass to Chattel?

Recently recieved a notice stuck on my car windscreen, Which is a removal Notice giving 7 days to remove the vehichle. or Until the 16th of November. I live in Norwich in the Uk & the local ...
Ryan Stone's user avatar
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Car left in storage unit

Assume that Bob owns a car that is not up to code. Because he can't fix it, he stores it in a Pennsylvanian storage location without insurance. Because Bob didn't pay that, it defaulted and the ...
GiGi's user avatar
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How many vehicles can I register under my name in Virginia (USA)?

I'm currently trying to move all my business cars under my name and I was wondering if there is any limit on how many vehicles I can have registered under my name or under my business? I couldn't find ...
jquijano's user avatar
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Does the hit and run statutes also apply for accidents in private property in California?

I know that a hit and run is a misdemeanor in California when there are only property damages, but does this also applies to a collision in a private property? How is a typical bump in a parking lot ...
Gabriel Diego's user avatar
-2 votes
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Does EU law require permanent usage of catalytic converters in cars? [closed]

Many countries have vehicles with permanently active catalytic converters despite the fact that they lower efficiency and produce more carbon dioxide for the same mechanical power output. The gases ...
David Jonsson's user avatar