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Questions tagged [police-power]

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Does Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 (no right of silence) apply when a person enters Great Britain from N Ireland after crossing Irish border?

In Britain, Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 abolishes the right to silence when a person enters Britain, and this Schedule has been used by the police to interview British citizens who have ...
tell's user avatar
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Does the term "need" carry any legal weight in the context of a police officer claiming they "need" to see your ID?

Consider that in most states you are not required to furnish identity documents on demand, (unless you are being arrested, or pulled over in a traffic stop) what is the status or required level of ...
Michael Hall's user avatar
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What offences invoke the enhanced pre-trial detention period for “terrorism offences“?

In England it seems that pre charge detention is allowed for up to 72 hours typically, 96 hours for more serious offences, and 28 days for “terrorism,” but what offences fall under “terrorism” for ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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When can police arrest you for your own safety?

According to the charity Liberty, police can arrest you to prevent you from suffering physical injury yourself – for example, if your behaviour might provoke others to assault you, so you need to be ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-4 votes
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When is it legal to infiltrate the existence of a person or group with undercover officers?

Clearly it is legal sometimes: today in the news was the trial of Darren Osment, in the past few decades there was a big deal about an officer that sired a son with an eco activist under a pseudonym ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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When investigating a bogus report, can police enter a home?

Let's say that neighbors can hear glass cracking and screams coming from within a house. After hearing it, one of the neighbors notifies the police, who come inside the house and handcuff the lone ...'s user avatar
9 votes
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What provision commonly allows police to enter one’s home following one’s arrest to search for stolen property?

In case one is arrested for stealing things, or possibly also for drugs offences, it is common for police to visit the suspect’s home address and search it for items of a similar character. What legal ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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What are the cross-jurisdictional effects of British police powers?

I believe that an officer of the Metropolitan Police or British Transport Police could just as easily arrest a person within the City of London (which has its own police force) as one of Surrey police ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can you be “protectively” arrested to prevent a feared breach of the peace against you?

Example: Antisemitic rally being held by the national jewhaters’ league. Robert the rabbi with his skullcap shows up in his very conspicuous Jewish garb to proudly sing some Jewish songs in the centre ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Who has the right to authorise a private police force?

I used to work in an area where I would often see the Federal Reserve Police, due to the presence of a Federal Reserve Bank. These police officers do have police powers including the power to arrest ...
Chuu's user avatar
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Who do I contact regarding DA not charging sexual assault offender [closed]

I was sexually assaulted which injured hip and psoas muscle, told DHHS bc im and was disabled & offender was DHHS CWS , filed police report 5-29-21 a year later Salem crime survivors a lady named ...
Jo Dumire's user avatar
-2 votes
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How much evidence of sexual harassment do the FBI or the police require in order to get a search warrant for the servers of a company?

Let's say a minor calls the police or goes to them and reports that she got a sexual text on snapchat, but she has no proof. Is that enough probable cause for police to seek a warrant directed to ...
cnncjcjcjcjc's user avatar
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What provisions allow police to bring an elderly person home against their will?

On January 6, 2021, police famously detained late then 90-odd year old Eric Levy outside of Westminster magistrate's court, and everyone thought that he had been arrested for breaching Coronavirus ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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In India, what phone location tracking may or must network providers do to aid police?

For android phones in India- 1). suppose if a phone was moving around within few miles radious for few days and it was turned on several times in that duration. But now the phone is turned off ...
Ezio's user avatar
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When can one's phone be seized to retrieve video evidence taken on its camera?

Meet Bob. Bob was at a pub when a brawl broke out and when police attended he was still filming it including the arrests on his phone. Meet Alice. Alice was at a protest when someone started accosting ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What is the reason for the procedure of stop-and-account to be defined and named? [closed]

What is the reason for the procedure of stop-and-account to be defined and named if it does not carry any powers to compel a subject to comply with it?
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Is it generally legally allowed for UK police to lie to people in the regular course of discharging their policing duties?

Generally speaking can one count on the words coming out of a British police officer in uniforms mouth as truthful? Under what circumstances is it permitted not to be? Is there any special ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
1 vote
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When is one required to provide one's name and DOB to the police if one wishes to avoid arrest?

Meet Bob. Bob was exercising his guaranteed right of freedom of expression by shouting to a high profile politician remarks which implied in no soft terms that they are a corrupt tyrant. Police ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can a person make a subject access request for police body cam footage?

A British Transport Police officer accused a subject of wasting police time after the subject waited patiently for police attendance to resolve a situation with a counterpart who had called police. ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Can you refuse to vacate your car when police gives you an order to do so?

Are you legally required to leave your car when a police officer tells you to do so? If you ask police if you are under arrest and they say no then I dont see a reason why you should? Maybe if they ...
Neil Meyer's user avatar
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Can someone be arrested for not being ‘nice’ to police?

We came out of a night club and there was a police car with dogs barking at the back of it. For some reason this fascinated my friend and he stood behind the police car laughing and watching the dogs ...
West's user avatar
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How are police powers subject to separation of powers?

I recognized that finding a precise definition of police powers is a bit challenging. But, would it be reasonable to say that police powers are those powers of government reserved to the States by the ...
Burt_Harris's user avatar
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Is it against the constitution to require restaurants to only serve people with a vaccine certificate in the United States?

I heard that New York is implementing a vaccine certificate for people who want to do certain indoors activities such as going to the cinema, eating and training, so I was wondering if that was ...
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