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3 answers

If a Politician uses an Organized Crime Syndicate to extort a Business, is the Politician guilty of the same crime as the Syndicate?

In the United States, let's say you have: A generic POLITICIAN of any type A generic ORGANIZED CRIME SYNDICATE of any type A generic BUSINESS of any type If an ORGANIZED CRIME SYNDICATE pressures a ...
Madness's user avatar
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How is a US political campaign supposed to verify that donors from abroad are US citizens?

According the US laws, only US citizens may contribute financially to political campaigns - especially presidential campaigns. Suppose you are running a campaign. How are you supposed to verify that ...
CodyBugstein's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

For a politician, is a lunch outing with Warren Buffet considered a $650,000 gift?

There is a story in the news about Nikki Haley (now former US ambassador to the UN) taking trips in a friend's (and political supporter's) private jet. See story: Watchdog wants investigation of ...
CodyBugstein's user avatar