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Questions tagged [rent]

Concerning law regarding the contracting, payment, and collection of rent between a tenant and a landlord. Tag can also be used for rental agreements related to property other than real estate.

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2 answers

Does a landlord have to inform prospective tenants if the property has a dark history?

Say several years ago there was a grisly murder/crime at my property, the kind that will spook most people and lead the more superstitious to say the property is haunted. I've cleaned the place up and ...
Allure's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Can they do this? [closed]

If I'm homeless living in a tent and I mow for this guy and he offers his back yard to put my tent well a few weeks later after mowing and racking weekly for free and clearing back yard of trash and ...
Samantha Michael Mitchell's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Can a family member kick out a non paying renter [closed]

Living with my cousin for 8 months. He never asked for rent but I would give money when I could. Help with household chores and buy groceries monthly. Now all of a sudden he wants me out. What legal ...
Sasha Cupples's user avatar
4 votes
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In Berlin, Germany, does any rental-price limit apply to fixed-term rental contracts?

A few laws are currently in place in Berlin Germany to limit the maximum monthly price for rental contracts. One such law is the Mietpreisbremse. However it does not always apply: one of the ...
Berliner's user avatar
5 votes
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Must car rental agencies provide the state minimum liability insurance or ensure that the customer has it when renting a car in the USA?

I was going through car rental agency SIXT's ToS to understand whether they provide any liability insurance coverage if one doesn't add one of their protection options when renting a car. I read in ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Landlord knowingly charges a smaller amount than originally discussed. Is tenant obligated in the difference?

A tenant enters into an agreement for a short term lease, let's say 6 months at $3000 a month. The landlord requires payment through an online portal, to which they post the charges every month and ...
Just One Question's user avatar
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Can a landlord force me to pay utilities with a money order/cashiers check?

In California. Landlord sent an email saying that they can no longer take checks from my unit and I had to pay via money order/cashier's check. I did bounce a check this month, death in the family and ...
Walker's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Repair obligations in Massachussets house lease

I am reading the language for a lease. This specific provision stood out to me as potentially significant: Subject to applicable law, Tenant shall keep and maintain the Leased Premises and all ...
spectras's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is "3 months prior" always interpreted unambiguously in laws?

Consider the following law: (2) A landlord seeking to increase the rent upon expiration of the term of a rental agreement of any duration shall notify the tenant in writing three months prior to the ...
merlin2011's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Can I sue a car garage for only offering cash payment? [closed]

I rent a parking spot in a garage in NYC for my car. Rent payment is made only in cash. When I joined 2 years ago, owner told me he would set up electronic payments or will accept Zelle payments, in ...
Lou's user avatar
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0 answers

Landlord Right to Enter While Tenant Not Present (Texas)

We rent an apartment in Texas and will be moving in the summer. Our landlord would like to schedule showings to new prospective tenants. Our landlord has given us notice of the showing times (24 ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Stay of Eviction - Special Civil Court Case transferred to Civil

I am defending myself (pro se) for which I have a tenant owing me back rent. I had filed for eviction via Special civil court, but due to another case pending from the complaint filed by the tenant ...
Sam Bushrui's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

In Indiana, can an apartment complex force you to remove social media posts if they pertain to the management?

I've been told that if you disagree with the management of this particular retirement housing organization which operates a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) facility here in Indiana (United States),...
100chilly's user avatar
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Rent increase under Scotland's temporary rent cap

I have a private residential tenancy (PRT) agreement and have been renting my apartment for over 12 months. Under a PRT, a landlord can increase the rent no more than once a year and must give a ...
Medulla Oblongata's user avatar
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Can a UK landlord impose additional restrictions on which documents are acceptable for right-to-rent checks?

landlords in the uk (edit: england) are required to carry out right-to-rent checks before renting to someone. one way these can be done is by using identifying documents from the prospective tenants. ...
Silver's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Can my siblings charge me retroactive rent on a house we all own?

I lived with my parents since 2015, not because I was homeless (I have a home) but I thought it was the thing to do when my dad's Alzheimer's started getting worse. I left my home, my husband and our ...
Delia Valle's user avatar
1 vote
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Rental contract specifies I have to pay the UK television license even if I don't own transmission equipment

My rental contract which I'm about to sign states the following clause. "Further Charges to be paid by the Tenant: (...)" To pay the television licence regardless of the ownership of the ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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Does consideration in the form of ground rent for a leasehold have a different effect than the lease’s purchase price?

The leasehold reform (ground rent) act 2022 limits ground rents to a symbolic annual (literal) peppercorn. However it doesn’t seem to require, but merely allow, the charging of such a ground rent. ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Currently without a lease, the lease my landlord sent me has 2 distinct errors [closed]

Can I cross things out and fix those 2 errors, and send him a signed lease with my edits, or should I wait for him to fix the errors himself. I told my landlord about the 2 errors and we're currently ...
userLTK's user avatar
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Deducting rent for repairs in Texas for unwholesome pool

My question is whether the following situation would likely meet the criteria to be able to deduct rent for repairs: The property had weekly pool maintenance for years, until it suddenly stops ...
Goulash's user avatar
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3 votes
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Renting a vehicle and grand theft auto

Let's say hypothetically someone rents a vehicle to another person. They sign a contract and the other individual agrees to pay $300 to the person at the start of every month. The contract also states ...
user55665484375's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Tenant with no gas California [closed]

If one were in Orange County in California and moved into a rental property where the landlord guaranteed heating/gas/hot water, but there was an issue in the gas line to the apartment complex and ...
user760900's user avatar
2 votes
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Does Bill 44 automatically repeal Single Family residency strata bylaw restrictions in BC Bill 44 was passed in Nov 2022 in BC to disallow Stratas from imposing rental restrictions. I am reading the ...
systemdebt's user avatar
2 votes
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Landlord claims I missed a rent payment from over a year ago, I don't have easy way to confirm a payment from that far back. What are my obligations?

I'm renting a room from a person, not a large organization; it's a monthly rental. He claims he just saw I had missed my monthly rent payment from April of last year. I don't have an easy way to ...
dsollen's user avatar
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US: under what conditions can information about a missed payment be shared with credit bureaus? [duplicate]

Let's say I notified a property manager that as a tenant I'm withholding rent because of a breach of contract. He starts a collection process: it goes into credit reports, just like that? I live in ...
Erwann's user avatar
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14 votes
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Landlord bait-and-switch regarding having pet

This question is based on a social media post of a presumably real situation someone I don't directly know is facing. Suppose a landlord leases housing to a person, with a requirement in the lease to ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Is there an inherent legal obligation to repay a guarantor?

So as I understand a guarantor is liable to pay rent arrears if the tenant is unable, unwilling, or just doesn't pay. I am wondering if such an occasion arose and the landlord contacted the guarantor ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Notice period of tenant to terminate apartment

I have a apartment with fixed term. (10 month). in Contract it mentioned that, tenant can live in current month if noticed landlort before 15th of each month. In this case no metter when tenant leave ...
aze2201's user avatar
  • 109
1 vote
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Multiple issues in UK rented flat after check-in. What are my rights? [closed]

I have just moved into a new flat and as soon as I entered I took a video and noticed that the flat has never been cleaned after the last tenant left. I also took a note of all the issues there were ...
Datacrawler's user avatar
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Minimum size of room in flat rental UK in an non-HMO?

I have rented a flat in London and I was wondering whether the landlord is renting it illegally due to the size of the rooms. I am aware that there is a minimum room size requirement for the HMO (...
Datacrawler's user avatar
2 votes
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(Canada/Ontario) Confusion over move out date vs termination of tenancy

As I understand it based on my reading of the Residential Tenancies Act 1. At the end of a lease Landlord and Tenant automatically enter into a month-to-month agreement unless a. The landlord has ...
akozi's user avatar
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Can an apartment complex add a monthly "amenity fee" (that is not in the rental agreement) on top of the rent?

This is about an apartment complex in Florida. The complex was sold and the new owners decided to add a $20 monthly "amenity fee" to all existing tenants who had signed a lease months before ...
neo's user avatar
  • 141
2 votes
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Can a periodic tenant unilaterally lower his rent, with binding effect if the landlord does not properly appeal the notice within 3 months?

Section 6, HA1988 provides: (2)Not later than the first anniversary of the day on which the former tenancy came to an end, the landlord may serve on the tenant, or the tenant may serve on the ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
2 votes
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Are there any EU countries in which it is not allowed as a matter of course to own (and let out) unlimited residential properties? [closed]

Underlying this question I would like to know if there is anything in the ECHR for example that inherently proscribes a country stigmatising to any degree the ownership of properties (perhaps beyond a ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Requiring incoming tenants to purchase furniture during a lease transfer? [closed]

I've been renting in Toronto, Canada for several years now. Over those years, rent prices have skyrocketed (my current rent is about half of my new neighbors' rent who has a nearly identical unit). I ...
Thomas's user avatar
  • 3
2 votes
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Rent office space and sleep there

Could someone theoretically rent out some office space in Pennsylvania in the United States and sleep in it? Some business owners work late all the time and some may sleep in their office. When does ...
user55665484375's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Rent Car to Friend using the friend's car insurance

Let's say someone owns a car and rents it out to a friend. the owner tells the friend "you can't drive this car unless you put your own car insurance on the car" and has the friend sign a ...
user55665484375's user avatar
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24 hour "gym" In the city

Lets say someone opens up a 24 hour "gym" installs security cameras everywhere has a couple of bathrooms but the place is made up mostly of rows and rows of couches and some workout ...
user55665484375's user avatar
-1 votes
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Car for rent and drugs

Lets say there is a person who rents a car out to a friend. This arrangement goes well for the first few months. Then a large amount of illegal drugs are discovered in the car while the friend is ...
user55665484375's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Renting a car to a friend

Lets say there is a person who wants to rent his car out to his friend for a month In the United States and In Pennsylvania . He calls up the insurance company and lets them know his friend should be ...
user55665484375's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Does cascade of ownership indicate ownership?

Does cascade of ownership indicate ownership? Person A owns 100% shares of a business entity B. Business entity B owns a business entity C. Business entity C owns a house D. Two questions please: ...
Jankoo's user avatar
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20 votes
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Is it common to cross out part of a contract in USA?

My wife is doing a master in New York and we have 2 weeks here, and we found an apartment but we are confused with the way they handle the contracts. First they told us via email that pets are allowed ...
Frases De Urbanos's user avatar
4 votes
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Is a mandatory fee added to paying one's lease legal?

Is it legal for a property management company to require a convenience fee for every type of payment they accept, or must they accept some form of payment that costs nothing extra? It seems to me ...
Alan's user avatar
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A Penny for Your Thoughts: Can You Evict a Tenant for Paying Rent in Pennies?

A friend of mine owns an apartment complex in NJ (USA) with multiple rentable units and is having difficulty with a particular tenant who insists on paying his rent in coins (pennies, nickels and ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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How can a renter verify the lessor has authority to lease?

Alice wants to rent a residence. She finds a house advertised and contacts the listing agent, Bob. Bob shows her the residence, and then offers her a lease agreement that requires her to pay him 3 ...
feetwet's user avatar
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Can my landlord change the fees agreed upon in my original lease?

My current lease has one price for pet fees. This is different (lower) than what is advertised on my rental unit's website. My landlord wants me to pay the higher price and won't agree to an addendum ...
Kyla's user avatar
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12 votes
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I've left the United States, what happens if I don't pay rent?

I'm not a US citizen. I have a rental contract for a shared student accommodation (en suite room). Due to unforeseen personal circumstances, I had to leave the US. Of course, I understand that I am ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Apartment maintenance time limit in California

I just moved into a 2bedroom 2bath apartment in San Francisco California. Upon moving in I found out the shower in one of the bathrooms never gets hot water. I immediately connacted the landlord who ...
gman's user avatar
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What happens if lease is signed but landlord doesnt want me, do I still have to pay the realtor fee?

I live in Dumont, NJ. I'm about to sign a lease with a landlord and I also have Section 8. I haven't moved in yet; To finalize the rent payment to the landlord, there must be a HAP contract signed by ...
CharlesBen's user avatar
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What can I do to stop a 15% to 40% apartment rent increase?

For the past 5 years a friend of mine has been living at an apartment complex in Maryland. They are approaching their 1-year lease. They were surprised to receive a letter of rent increase uploaded ...
paul cappucci's user avatar

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