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Questions tagged [sex-discrimination]

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Employment Law, Gender Discrimination for Male Servers

I work at a fairly large restaurant chain in Alberta, Canada (they have locations across both Canada and USA) as a male server/waitress. Servers are paid often the same base wage of $15/hour with tips ...
The math god's user avatar
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Is it legal to discriminate using factors that correlate with race/sex?

In most jurisdictions, discrimination based on race/sex is illegal. Is it legal to discriminate using something that correlates with race/sex, but is not actually race/sex? Examples: So-and-so ...
Allure's user avatar
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Man and woman get drunk and have sex; does this make any of them a rapist? [duplicate]

This poster appeared on Reddit with 5.9K upvotes and 1.3K comments (as of 01:24 CET): source: only one gender has to consent while drunk, and the other one is a rapist. on r/facepalm I reviewed some ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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What type of liability exists for gender discrimination in pricing for a contractor's services and under what conditions?

Suppose that business A contracts business B to perform some work for it on a regular basis. This work is performed for the customers of business A at their request. For concreteness, business A might ...
Obie 2.0's user avatar
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Do soldiers have a greater duty to women and children than to men in case of a shipwreck?

The Queen’s Bench Division apparently affirmed this idea in R v. Dudley and Stephens suchly: To preserve one's life is generally speaking a duty, but it may be the plainest and the highest duty to ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Is it lawful to have a dating website that is free for women but charges men initiation +membership fees?

An American dating platform charges men an up front fee for “verification” and then an ongoing monthly fee for “membership,” while openly stating that “membership is free for women”. Is this ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-4 votes
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Can dress codes arbitrarily/unilaterally define types of garments?

A foodservice venue prohibits men wearing nothing but a pair of spotted boxer shorts, and perhaps a tank top (commonly called undershirts) or T-shirt, on the basis that it “is underwear” (what makes ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-3 votes
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Is it lawful to maintain different, independent dress codes for male and female guests to a business/venue? [duplicate]

Some venues/events will specify dress codes for each sex by defining the male code as smart casual and females should wear cocktail dresses etc. But what if these are less congruent, where females are ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Is awarding a day off for women employees on 8 March a discrimination against the male employees?

Early this year I joined a new company. As part of the benefits they give to their employees is included a day off, paid by the company, to all female employees for the 8 of March because of the ...
CuriousMe's user avatar
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What makes something qualify as indirect unlawful discrimination versus simply being lawful practice?

Imagine that Nike makes a particular model/style of trainer, for example, called the Nike Jordan 4128s, which come in a men's and women's version respectively. They both normally retail for £200, but ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Is it proper for a venue to refuse entry to “single gentlemen” after a certain time of day as a matter of policy?

A bouncer to a bar in an English urban centre claims that it is the establishment’s standing policy not to allow entry for lone male visitors who are not with another person after a certain hour in ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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What is an example of indirect discrimination?

In another answer @JBently IIRC explained that if one was to offer only urinal facilities but no toilet stalls this would be indirect discrimination as it would have the effect of unfavorable ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Can a Web site owner prohibit men from accessing a site for religious reasons?

Is it legal for a woman who writes a religious blog to not allow men to access the site because of a belief that women should not teach men about religion?
Someone's user avatar
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Is it legal to offer a scholarship only for female applicants?

Suppose an organisation offers training courses on a subject of general significance that could not in any stretch be said specific to either or the other gender. And it offers free spaces on it under ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
42 votes
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Is it true that men are forced to pay child support for children they didn't consent to have?

According to many in the men's rights movement, a woman who, in any way, gets pregnant from a man will be able to get child support from him, which in most states is proportional to a man's wealth. ...
obfuscated's user avatar
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How is it legal that my college does not have any "co-ed" dorms on campus and they only allow "male-only" and "female-only" dorms?

I go to a Private, Christian college in Arkansas, and I feel as the college should not require students to be separated strictly by gender. I understand visitation rules and such, but I feel like ...
Colby's user avatar
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Law regarding toilets use in The Netherlands

Today my manager sent an email to our department regarding the toilet use; they said that it is not allowed to use the ladies' room as a man, by law, and vice versa. That got me curious. Note that I ...
MC Emperor's user avatar
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Is affirmative hiring illegal in Germany?

Saw this ad: With the headline: "Women in Tech - all levels - at sustainable start-up (f/x) - Munich or ...
lalala's user avatar
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Why does Section 28 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms prohibit sex discrimination redundantly?

In the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Section 28 says: Rights guaranteed equally to both sexes 28 Notwithstanding anything in this Charter, the rights and freedoms referred to in it are ...
200_success's user avatar
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What legal provision in the U.S. law allow the Catholic Church to discriminate against women?

What legal provision in the U.S. law allow the Catholic Church to discriminate against women? Women aren't allowed to become priest yet, but isn't this against the discrimination law? If not, what ...
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Is kissing the crotch of an underage girl of age 5-6 illegal?

I have recently seen a grandma kissing the crotch of a girl of age 5-6 through panties in a public place. She was holding the girl in hands. Is this illegal? Is it legal only for women to do?
Anixx's user avatar
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Is not recognising a marriage based on gender of one person gender-based discrimination?

If a man A wants to marry B (a woman), their marriage will be recognised and certified by the authorities. But if he wants to marry C (a man), their marriage will not not certified. Is it gender-based ...
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Are companies at sexual discrimination risk for using whiteboard interviews during the job interview?

Background Currently, many companies hiring software development engineers use a whiteboard algorithms interview technique. This involves asking the job candidate to code a solution to an algorithm ...
Bob Bryan's user avatar
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Do sex specific apps violate any anti-discrimination law?

Would a private business that only intends to serve one sex or another be in violation of anti-discrimination law? if so which one? I can think of a handful of examples of businesses that cater to ...
User37849012643's user avatar
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Is sending the complains to the whole community instead of the Title IX office legal? [duplicate]

A woman received an unwanted "offensive" text message during an official college event from a man: "I am not sure if you are dressing like in a night-club". Although the text ...
High GPA's user avatar
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If an allegation is approved, does it mean that the statistics cited in the allegation is correct?

For an example excerpt, see the Schwake v. Arizona case, page 15: The University contends that the allegations of genderbased decisionmaking are conclusory because they lack the detail of the ...
High GPA's user avatar
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Is it legal for a company to offer free coding courses to women only?

A company is offering free coding courses to women and non-binary individuals only. Is this kind of sex-based discrimination legal?
Lucien's user avatar
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Is selling products at different prices depending on gender possible?

I noticed that a French nightclub in Nice (France) sold products at different prices according to the sex of the customers and according to their clothes, indeed women paid less for nightclub's ticket ...
Taeith's user avatar
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Is taking gender into account in university rankings is considered as incitement to sexist discrimination following French laws?

I have noticed that for some time in France, most of the university rankings have taken into account the percentage of women and men in the scores assigned to establishments (the closer the percentage ...
Taeith's user avatar
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Can a discrimination act be a charge filed by a prosecutor?

Can a discrimination, e.g. based on gender, race or age, charge be filed by a prosecutor or a prosecutor's office in the US?
Hans's user avatar
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Legal aspect of male/female nipples

Based on US law, how can authorities (judges, police) deal differently with a male vs a female showing their nipples in public (or picture)? Is there any explicit mention of a legal difference ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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Is it illegal to refuse a man to enter a Women's Only Poker Tournament?

I read a story about men entering women's only poker tournaments. One example from the article states that eight men joined the field of over 1000 female poker players in the $1,000 buy-in 2009 WSOP ...
user avatar
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Is it legal to preferentially hire female nurses & doctors because female patients are less comfortable with men seeing them naked?

Sort of a follow-up to Is it legal to preferentially hire men instead of women because women can get pregnant? The idea is, women tend to be less comfortable with men seeing them naked than men are ...
Allure's user avatar
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Discrimination against male cheerleaders

I'm sure the average NFL fan prefers to watch female cheerleaders, but how does hiring only women comply with our Civil Rights Act (which outlaws discrimination based on sex)? For the record, some ...
bobuhito's user avatar
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Is it legal to preferentially hire men instead of women because women can get pregnant?

Let's say Alice & Bob apply for a job, and both of them are equally good. The company they're applying to decides they'll hire Bob because Alice can potentially get pregnant, which means they'll ...
Allure's user avatar
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Sexual harassment in a interview Spain

I will explain my situation: the thing is, my girlfriend was looking for a job in my city, since we want to move to an apartment together. When she was looking and posting her job profile, someone ...
LF Mk.IX MH434's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can a public school host a female non-binary and transgender event and exclude all males?

I was wondering if a school can host a female non-binary and transgender field trip or event and not include males. This is a public high school in California.
KIng of random's user avatar
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Must German job postings include "(m/f)" even in English?

As I understand it, German law requires companies posting job openings to address the gendered nature of the German language by including both the masculine and feminine forms of the job title (e.g., ...
jwodder's user avatar
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Are gender roles in the workplace legal by US Federal law?

I worked two unskilled jobs, and both my employers would only assign men the most undesirable part of the job while paying them the same wage as women. If this practice is not legal, what are the ...
233's user avatar
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Big Data - Analysis from the entire population - Disparate impact

I am reading Barocas, S., & Selbst, A. D. (2016). Big Data’s Disparate Impact. California Law Review. Among other things, the article talks about the ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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Are Ladies' Nights Legal?

I recently went to a Macado's, for karaoke night. When we went to enter, the lady said it would be a 2$ "Cover fee". I asked if it was for both of us (my gf and I), or total, and she said it was just ...
DOSLuke's user avatar
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Pregnancy discrimination against woman who does professional surrogacy on the side

In the United States it is generally forbidden to refrain from hiring women who intend on becoming pregnant and one must preserve their position while they are on maternity leave. If a woman decides ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Can women also go shirtless in public legally?

Do women have the same rights as men to walk on the beach or sidewalk topless where men are also walking bare-chested without being discriminated against? If a woman is arrested or asked to leave by ...
Muze's user avatar
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How can universities legally discriminate against a sex when filling dorms?

Landlords are not allowed to discrimate against a sex when renting to tenants as this is one of the protected classes. How do universities get away with discriminating against a sex when filling ...
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