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Questions tagged [sexual-offences]

Sexual offences are a type of criminal offence in which sexual behavior forms the primary act of the offence, including rape, molestation, sexual assault, peeping, prostitution, and pornography offences. In some legal systems, adultery, fornication, and same-gender relations are considered crimes and would qualify as sexual offences. Use this tag with the tag [criminal-law] and any specific jurisdictional tags.

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10 votes
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Romeo & Juliet laws and age of consent laws

Question: Are there any US jurisdictions where, given two minors with some difference in their ages, it would be legal for them to start an "intimate relationship" the day before a ...
BCS's user avatar
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Sexting under the German Penal Code?

I have been looking through the English translation of the German Penal Code here. Does anybody know which Article covers the law for sexting? Specially, what ages are legal, as it seems closely tied ...
user5623335's user avatar
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3 answers

How can mens rea in illegal staring be proved beyond reasonable doubt?

I saw this in London tube the other day: Intrusive staring of a sexual nature is sexual harassment and is not tolerated. See it or experience it on public transport? Always report by texting British ...
Greendrake's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Which law criminalises suspended/former teachers having sex with 16-year old pupils?

A UK school teacher is about to be put in jail for having sex with schoolboys, 15 and 16 years old. This question is only about the 16-year old part of the story: The jury was told that it was a ...
Greendrake's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it legal to scam pedophiles?

I am a minor. If I offer to sell explicit pictures to a pedophile, and then refuse to send said pictures after they pay me, would I get arrested?
Alexandra's user avatar
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3 answers

Are there any legal ramifications for sexual harassment in general?

I’ve usual heard of sexual harassment being grounds for dismissal from a workplace, or for general public disgrace. However, is it illegal if you feel someone sexually harasses you, in general? Can ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Why were some of Epstein’s clients names still redacted from the released court files?

Jeffrey Einstein’s court records have now largely been unsealed. But some of the names still remain redacted. Why did those people get to keep their names from getting released?
TylerDurden's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Is there any jurisdiction where bestiality laws would not forbid relations with a consenting, sapient extraterrestrial?

Suppose that humanity made contact with a species of aliens with a comparable anatomy, sexuality and level of intelligence to ours. If I lived in the state of Washington, I would not be allowed to ...
Purple P's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Man and woman get drunk and have sex; does this make any of them a rapist? [duplicate]

This poster appeared on Reddit with 5.9K upvotes and 1.3K comments (as of 01:24 CET): source: only one gender has to consent while drunk, and the other one is a rapist. on r/facepalm I reviewed some ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Did Alice commit a crime in bending over and spreading her butt cheeks after suggestively propositioning anal sex to Bob?

Bob rides up to the front of a bar where there is a heater lamp on his moped to quickly check some things on his phone on a night out in soho, where a couple of young women happen to be standing. One ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is sodomy or fellatio illegal in India?

This article suggests that any penetration by a male other than vaginal is proscribed as against the order of nature. Is that right in 2023? This suggests no.
TylerDurden's user avatar
0 votes
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What was "carnal knowledge against the order of nature"?

S152(2), Palestine Penal Code of 1936, makes reference to carnal knowledge against the order of nature: 152(2) Any person who:— (a) has carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature; or (...
TylerDurden's user avatar
1 vote
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Are evidentiary rules concerning admissibility of observations about a complainant’s habits or character against fundamental rights/precepts?

In many jurisdictions, the criminal standard of proof is, subject to Blackstone’s ratio, “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Yet some rules such as s276, Canadian Criminal Code, state, simply and plainly, ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Can Bob be convicted of raping his wife Alice?

Bob and Alice are apparently happily married for 5 years and have sex nearly every night. Sometimes they are very lucid, others barely awake. Occasionally (perhaps 1 in 10 times) they have some ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Can sexual consent be passively implied in light of the pre-existing rapport or character of the relationship between the parties?

It seems that in Canada, there must be an active effort to ascertain the complainant’s consent for each and every sexual act or episode of sexual acts and that prior rapport with the complainant (even ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
0 votes
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Can ambiguous or passive conduct imply consent?

In Canada, an accused cannot point to his reliance on the complainant’s silence, passivity, or ambiguous conduct as a reasonable step to ascertain consent, as a belief that any of these factors ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is there any reason a 24-year-old healthy woman could not consent to sex with her stepfather?

I just came across this news (based on E v R [2023] NZHC 2829). To summarise: A 24-year-old woman happily goes to sleep in one bed with her stepfather and her mother (stepfather's partner). During ...
Greendrake's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the legal status and/or penalty for homosexualism in Uganda?

Corollary to the recent question on Somalia: what is the penalty for homosexuality in Uganda, and how commonly is it enforced?
TylerDurden's user avatar
-3 votes
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In an opposite-sex sexual assault case, is "I'm homosexual" a valid defense?

Let's say Alice is sexually assaulted by a man, and circumstantial evidence pinpoints Bob as the attacker. Can Bob claim that, because he is homosexual/asexual, he does not find Alice sexually ...
Allure's user avatar
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Would manga fall within POCSO, section 15?

Section 15 Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 includes this: Any person, who stores or possesses pornographic material in any form involving a child for commercial purpose shall be ...
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-4 votes
2 answers

Can having sex with a partner ever be considered a rape? [duplicate]

Does a partner must seek permission each time he/she wants to have sex? Is there any act of husband or wife which can be considered as rape?
user366312's user avatar
2 votes
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Who (if anyone) would be liable for public "exhibitionism" in this situation?

I remember watching a TV show many years ago where young female models were competing to see who would win (Australia's Top Model)? Anyway, the show isn't that relevant. However, there was a scene ...
Arj's user avatar
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How is sexual intent proven or disproven in Indian criminal law?

The Indian Penal Code states that physical contact and advances involving unwelcome and explicit sexual overtures is guilty of sexual harassment. Pikewise, POCSO act sections 7 and 11 state Whoever,...
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what does the term "makes her to do so with him or any other person" mean in IPC section 375 and in what contexts is it used?

IPC 375 relates to rape, and says A man is said to commit “rape” if he—(a) penetrates his penis, to any extent, into the vagina, mouth, urethra or anus of a woman or makes her to do so with him or ...
IndianLawApplicant's user avatar
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Is hiring a dominatrix legal in Canada?

According to Wikipeidia it is illegal "to purchase or advertise sexual services". This statement seems very broad and would include more than copulation. I noticed on a dominatrix website, ...
hieveryone's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

How often do people who make complaints that lead to acquittals face repercussions for making false complaints?

In response to a recent question and others related to it, it appears that defendants who are found guilty, despite lying, are rarely punished further apart from the conviction. However, what happens ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
1 vote
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A pressures B into having sex with C, who committed rape?

In france, rape is defined by sexual intercourse in the absence of enlightened consent given without (...) force or menace. Abel pressures, menaces or whatever Bob to force him to have sex with Cindy ...
Gouvernathor's user avatar
6 votes
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A had sexual intercourse with B because A misidentified B as her boyfriend. Did B committed sexual assault?

B has similar facial characteristics with A's boyfriend, C. A had sex with B with both sides' consent. B did not lie about his identity. Later A find out that B is actually not her boyfriend. Does A ...
dodo's user avatar
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How much evidence of sexual harassment do the FBI or the police require in order to get a search warrant for the servers of a company?

Let's say a minor calls the police or goes to them and reports that she got a sexual text on snapchat, but she has no proof. Is that enough probable cause for police to seek a warrant directed to ...
cnncjcjcjcjc's user avatar
-4 votes
4 answers

Is it a sexual offence for a 53-year-old to have sex with a nine-year-old, even if they are purportedly married? [closed]

The facts: a 53-year-old is purportedly married to a 9-year-old and intercourse is happening neither of the purported spouses, their parents, nor their acquaintances have expressed any complaints ...
user366312's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Can someone be prosecuted posthumously?

Can someone be prosecuted posthumously in the British or EU courts for alleged sexual offences committed many centuries ago?
user366312's user avatar
1 vote
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Sentencing guidelines - released after half or two thirds?

The Sentencing Council website explains how long an offender would spend in prison. I was interested in the first part of the below paragraph. For some serious violent or sexual offences where the ...
user5623335's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Countries where being too drunk to consent does not apply?

Are there any countries where the victim being too drunk to consent is not sufficient to criminally pursue the perpetrator for a sexual offence? For example, a girl goes into a bar and voluntarily ...
user5623335's user avatar
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Countries with similar sexual offences Laws to Germany?

I will start by saying that my research into German law is incredibly limited, and I am just following news articles on the topic. I of course apologise if I have fallen for fake news! My ...
user5623335's user avatar
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Is it possible to sue a UK national from the USA?

Plaintiff is a U.S. citizen living who spent a year as a student living in the United Kingdom. During that year she was the victim of a sex crime. There may have been a criminal trial, and the outcome ...
user5623335's user avatar
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Can an adult sue someone who violated them as a child?

If a 10 year old was violated by two adults around 18 years old then can the victim sue 23 years later? What is the process? Would it, for example, make any difference if the victim is from, say, ...
Human's user avatar
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Police believe unreported rape left evidence

Police know there's a serial rapist in a particular area. He's left no DNA and victims never saw his face. Police learn that a unknown female victim from that area was examined by a sexual assault ...
Richard's user avatar
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Taking phone from rape victims?

I read in a recent news report that victims of rape would no longer be required to surrender their phones to police for a "digital strip search", however the alleged perpetrator would. The ...
user5623335's user avatar
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Is mooning people in the UK legal?

If one pulls down one's trousers and underwear to expose one's buttocks but without intention to expose any part of one's genitals, for the purpose of conveying one's disapproval and irreverence to ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Does the law make any distinction in any context between garments intended to be undergarments and others not so intended?

If one goes out in gym shorts without anything underneath or in "boxer shorts" identifiable by their polkadots or plaid designs, and they both cover the same areas (genitals), neither of ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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What is the legal status of publicly exposing one's breasts in England as a female?

Section 66 Sexual Offences Act 2003 addresses willful exposure of the genitals, as described by this question. Is there anything wrong with exposing breasts in public for women in England and Wales?
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
12 votes
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Does indecent exposure require intentionality?

Meet Bob. Bob went out on the town wearing boxer shorts which in itself is entirely legal. A security guard pointed out to Bob that his shorts were unbuttoned so Bob buttoned them up. They later ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

If sexual consent is gained by deceit or misapprehension, is the resulting sex legally a rape?

In Arthurian legend, the wizard Merlin magically disguises Uther Pendragon to look like his enemy Gorlois, enabling Uther to sleep with Gorlois' wife Lady Igraine; thus conceiving the child that would ...
Showsni's user avatar
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Is using the word Roleplay with overseas minor can land me in jail

Hypothetical Question: I am using an adult app (18+) for roleplaying. A girl from South Africa joined. She told her age is 14. I asked "wanna do roleplay?" She also kept her category in ...
Mamma mia's user avatar
1 vote
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Is consensual sex between adult siblings (and pornographic material thereof) legal?

I was reading an article about a scandal involving a politician (allegedly) trying to set up a meeting with a porn actress, and it mentioned that the actress is mainly known for having a twin sister ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Is all sex offender registry information public domain in the USA?

In 1994, Congress mandated that all states develop sex offender registries. Two years later, Megan's Law provided that sex offender information must be made public. National Institute of Justice, &...
Tyler's user avatar
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Is sharing image images from OnlyFans revenge porn under English law?

This is a hypothetical question about behaviour that would, at the very least, be copyright infringement, and isn't very nice, so shouldn't be done, but I'm specifically interested in the 'revenge ...
lawdigitalquestion45's user avatar
1 vote
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Is “dry humping” someone under 18 considered rape? [duplicate]

Can fully-clothed dry-humping someone under 18 without consent count as rape in the state of Arizona? And if not, what sort of offense is it? If found guilty, what would a typical punishment be in the ...
Tuve's user avatar
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Accusing for sex offenders [closed]

Can someone register your phone number in a sex offenders list without no proof is this illegal because I’m trying to sue them
lil jean's user avatar
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Is discussing sexually explicit content in public a crime?

I am curious as to whether there is any prohibition, in England & Wales, on discussing sexual content in public. The public location could include a street outside, or perhaps an office ...
questioner's user avatar