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Questions tagged [tenancy-rules]

12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What determines order of precedence in occupation rights?

Meet Alice. Alice lets a house to Bob on a 6 month contract who then sublets it to Charles on a 12 month contract. Alice serves notice to the property addressed to Bob at the end of their term, which ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Are there limits on one's entitlement to have overnight guests as an assured shorthold tenant?

Whether in shared accommodation (ie, a house in multiple occupation) or as a sole occupant, can one be restricted on how many nights a month one shares one's room with another person?
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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What is the legality behind landlords throwing away tenants belongings UK?

Me and my housemates have started having issues with our landlords, where they will dispose of any utensils left on the kitchen worktop or in cupboards without being cleaned. Before moving into the ...
Benjamin Anderson's user avatar
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Under what rules may money judgments be granted during possession proceedings?

Money awards are regularly granted in the course of possession proceedings, but what rule or rules of law enable and govern this practice?
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Common law occupation/"co-tenancy" rights trumping lease restrictions on cohabiting or reassigning?

If I'm not mistaken, under s30, Family Law Act 1996 a tenant's spouse or partner implicitly has the same rights to occupy a dwelling let by the tenant themselves and various illegal eviction rulings ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Is (at least) 28 days and a sheriff court order always required to evict a Scottish common law tenant?

The one guaranteed condition is that the tenant does not live with their landlord. Regardless of what the tenancy agreement says, is a court order always required to evict such a common law tenant?
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Is it more common to award landlords eviction order application costs than possession hearing application costs?

It could be argued that a tenant who has no valid grounds of dispute but defies a matured s21 notice and waits for a hearing to leave is simply exercising his rights to stay until asked politely to ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Is landlord entitled to show residential rental property to prospective buyers?

Alice rents a house from Bob and she lives there. Bob wishes to sell the house and gets serial interested prospective buyers, none of whose offers he wishes to accept. As a result he basically ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Duration of illegally terminated tenancy and right to occupancy

Suppose one Is illegally Evicted from their home by an ignorant and zealous landlord. The tenant has some right to use reasonable force to reenter the property, criminal law act 1977 notwithstanding. ...
Timothy's user avatar
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Can a landlord in Massachusetts charge a “landlord fee”? What might this fall under?

I’m looking at some places to rent in Massachusetts and I came across one that asks for first month’s rent ($750), a security deposit ($725), and a reputably low “landlord fee” ($365). I thought I saw ...
Matthew's user avatar
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My landlord is using the storage space to keep his stuff

I rented a flat in London and it has two storage cupboards in the hallway. But those cupboards are occupied by landlord's stuff so I am unable to use those spaces that I am paying for. It has been ...
user74207's user avatar
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What are valid means of serving statutorily required tenancy information?

A landlord can't give their tenant a valid section 21 notice if the landlord has not previously provided the tenant with written information about the deposit and the scheme, the gas safety ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar