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Questions tagged [thailand]

Questions concerning the laws, criminal justice system, civil court procedures and related topics specific to the country of Thailand.

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6 votes
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Are taxi drivers in Thailand allowed to charge customers for writing a receipt?

I read: Oh and if you're looking for a receipt – the receipt printer is hidden, right on the dashboard, under a towel. It might not have paper anyway, and if they write a receipt for you, they'll ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Extradition without treaties?

I came across some new reports about Japanese scammers being extradited from Thailand. But my research seems to suggest that no extradition treaties exist between the two countries as of now. From ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
  • 411
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Thailand; relationship between defamation lawsuit and criminal defamation procedure

Bangkok Post's The Sea View Resort released a five-page statement on Saturday after news of its legal action against Wesley Barnes attracted widespread attention. The statement was posted on the ...
uhoh's user avatar
  • 854
-1 votes
1 answer

Is a shopowner in Thailand allowed to ban someone from entering their shop on the grounds of their citizenship?

I read on (mirror): As a foreigner, it’s a good idea to carry your passport around with you. Some places like banks won’t let foreigners ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Can the Thai government legally ban Thai citizens from entering Thailand?

I read on that the Thai government will temporarily block all inbound travel. Can the Thai government legally ban ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar