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Is there any standardized form for minors traveling abroad with one parent, and does anything require this?

My wife and child are about to go on a trip to Turkey. Is there a standardized consent form for this? I found numerous copies of one online, but I don't see the governmental agency nor any airlines ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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What does "Information above is provided for referencial use." mean?

I'm looking at some "e-ticket itinerary/receipt" issued by Korean Air for a flight from the United States to Asia. I read the baggage information section and it says: Information above is ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there any limit on how long a travel agent can take to book a flight?

When one purchase is a flight ticket via an online travel agent, the online travel agent may take some time to process the booking and send the actual ticket to the customer. Is there any limit on how ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
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Lithium batteries

Are all lithium batteries required by law to have a built in management system to stop them overheating and going on fire? If not why not? The reason I‘m asking is hand luggage which is permitted to ...
user145864's user avatar
12 votes
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Are countries not allowed to require proof of revaccination (booster) against the yellow fever as a condition of entry?

I read on Countries cannot require proof of revaccination (booster) against [the yellow fever] as a condition of entry, even if the traveler’s last vaccination was >10 years ago. Is ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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What are the legal implications when sending an invitation letter for somebody applying for the Schengen visa?

Suppose the following hypothetical scenarios: Alice coming to visit Bob, requires a Schengen visa. Alice registered for an international event organised by Bob's Company and needs a Schengen visa. I ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
0 votes
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HIPAA release form for travel insurance

This is all USA related. I'm filing a claim to cover my medical expenses that happened on a trip abroad. Some related expenses happened in the US after I got back. The insurance company sent me an &...
toderik's user avatar
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What's the minimum transit time to be legally allowed to enter Singapore?

I read (sic): Singapore immigration law suggests one should have atleast 10 hrs of transit time to get into the Country. [Author: Nakulan Ramamirthan] I can't find the legal source of that claim. ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
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Can an expat with the origin from outside of the EU but with a permanent residence in Spain travel and work freely across the Schengen zone?

Can an African expat with granted residence in Spain freely travel and work across the Schengen zone? For example, let us consider the case of my wife. I've resided in Spain as a EU national for the ...
John Smith's user avatar
-8 votes
2 answers

It is illegal to vandalize public places in Europe?

For instance, if a fountain in Rome is vandalized by e.g. throwing acid in the water, is this illegal?
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What law(s) prohibited Singaporeans from visiting the PRC, other communist countries, and the ROC? When were they repealed and why?

In the past, for fear of communism, the Singapore government banned Singapore citizens below a certain age (I think 40 but I'm not sure) from visiting the PRC, North Korea, Cambodia, Laos, and Viet ...
user103496's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it illegal to obtain a travel agent license simply to get discounts in hotels and airfare?

My friend told me about how she got incredible discounts on hotels and airfare because she registered as a travel agent (Utah/USA) and many places offer high discounts to agents. She obtained her ...
Ryan Saunders's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Legal Recourse American Airlines Threw Me Off Flight [closed]

I was recently thrown off an American Airlines Flight under the pretext that my suitcase had contained a laptop (information I had ill-advisedly volunteered to the lady at the desk right before ...
Joe Shmo's user avatar
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I have an International Driving Permit (1949 convention) issued on July 1 2022: is it valid until June 30, 2023 end of day or July 1, 2023 end of day?

Also, end of day in which time zone? Country of issuance or country where one is currently located? I read the 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic but didn't see the answer.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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Dilligence implications of VWPITTPA

The U.S. has Visa Waiver Program (VWP) that allows citizens of several countries to travel to the U.S. without a visa. Entry isn't guaranteed and exceptions do apply. There is Visa Waiver Program ...
TAbdiukov's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

If I am out of the country for a long time, am I liable for missed Jury Duty?

Say that I spend a few years traveling the world, visiting Europe, Asia, Africa, etc.. Then I come back to my home in the California to find missed several Jury Duty summons in the mail. Am I liable ...
chausies's user avatar
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4 votes
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Taxed in Spain due to COVID overstay?

Someone on Facebook claimed that tourists who were unable to leave Spain due to COVID were declared tax residents if their stay was over 183 days. I haven't been able to find such a case in a web ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Sitting in first class with a standard class ticket

Sitting in first class with a standard class ticket Meet Bob. Bob purchased a ticket from Bristol to Exeter on a standard class seat. However, upon boarding the train he conveniently finds that the ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
1 vote
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Can a foreigner enter Spain unvaccinated?

Is it possible to enter Spain by plane unvaccinated? I see here:,vaccination%20course%20against%...
Outsider's user avatar
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Is it possible to leave canada by train or car unvaccinated and vice versa?

Can an unvaccinated Canadian citizen or noncitizen leave the country by car or train and likewise return by car or train?
Outsider's user avatar
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Statutory basis of Border agents' obligation to make "reasonable accommodations" for vulnerable individuals?

In a brief but curtailed discussion with an immigration solicitor at a recent charity event, they began explaining that adults who were vulnerable due to mental illness, clearly palpable ...
Timothy's user avatar
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Does the regulation on the EC 261 flight compensation set any deadline for airlines to pay the compensation?

The EC 261 flight compensation regulation establishes common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding, flight cancellations, or long delays of flights. I ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Are there any countries without copyright?

Are there any countries that do not recognize any form of copyright, and you could legally (for example) strip the DRM from a just-released movie and share it online? If so, what happens if I (a US ...
Someone's user avatar
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Is it possible for foreigners for any reason to enter China?

Non Chinese citizens of any status including green card or permanent residence permit holders. Can they enter mainland China if they live there but left to visit abroad given the current Corona virus ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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After getting a visa, can you walk across the US-Canada border whenever you want?

If a holder of a US passport legally enters Canada and obtains a visa, can s/he then walk across the border whenever s/he wants?
Someone's user avatar
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What's the legal consequence of leaving the United States without using one's U.S. passport?

I read on U.S. nationals, including dual nationals, must use a U.S. passport to enter and leave the United States. Dual nationals may also be required by the foreign country ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Can one’s ability to travel to Ireland be restricted due to breaches of U.K. immigration law? If so, how?

Suppose that one has a less-than-pristine U.K. immigration record, and wishes to visit Ireland. Sure one may fairly naturally be banned from the U.K. for this, but can one’s ability or rights to visit ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to get my money back from, paid for non-existing apartment?

December last year, I was going to stay in Oslo from the 2nd to the 10th, and booked an apartment at a few days in advance. Soon after booking I got an email stating that the order was ...
user9857541's user avatar
1 vote
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Why was coronavirus travel ban implemented by a presidential proclamation rather than an executive order?

On March 11, 2020, President Trump issued a proclamation that suspended entry to the United States from most of Europe. After a series of amendments by both administrations, also in the form of ...
David Terrence's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Country roads, take me to Jail? Are private roads in Virginia Commonwealth generally closed to public travel?

Some background for context: I was out on a bike ride in Loudoun County, Virginia last weekend, following a GPS route I got from a local bike shop. While traveling down a gravel road, a local motorist ...
MikeyC's user avatar
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Determining if hotel stay is a necessary travel expense

In California, employers are required to reimburse employees for work-related travel expenses. Say that my employer asks me to attend a one-time meeting at 9am in a different city. If the city is only ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Do hotels in California have an obligation to disclose prior report of bed bug presence?

I wonder whether hotels in California have a legal obligation to disclose prior reports of bed bug presence, if a potential customer enquires about it.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Transit through US for Indian travelers during Covid

An order was passed by the US government restricting travel to the USA, for non-US-citizens who have been physically present in India in the 14 days prior to their arrival in the USA. This question is ...
Vineet's user avatar
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-1 votes
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What would happen if I transported 100+ items that a business owns for them

Let's suppose that I am going on a trip and a friend of mine who owns a business asks me to take in my luggage 100+ items such as clothing/tech. He sold these items in the country I am travelling to, ...
Andrea herrera's user avatar
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Was it legal in 2004 to sell a minor an airline ticket from the US to a foreign country without proof of parental consent?

Alone, when I was 17 (born 1987), I bought a ~$537 round-trip web/internet ticket (for a 2-week trip to Amsterdam by way of Germany) and returned at age 18. I did not have official parental consent, ...
prosody-Gabe Vereable Context's user avatar
-3 votes
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Enforcement of Vermont's Quarantine Restrictions [closed]

I am wondering if anyone has some insight into any enforcement or penalties that may be levied against someone who is caught breaking Vermont's cross-state-travel COVID guidelines, or against someone ...
bkabey's user avatar
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Do NY travel restrictions apply every time?

Wondering about the NY travel restrictions: if I were to complete the self-quarantine requirement etc, and then leave NY (to a place very nearby, Jersey City NJ) and come back to NY the next day, ...
Yujiri's user avatar
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Self-quarantine requirements in NYC

I'm planning to move to NY soon into an apartment or Airbnb I'll be renting. My understanding of the NY travel restrictions is: I need to get a PCR test at least 3 days before entering, and have the ...
Yujiri's user avatar
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My friend is being harassed by a non-US citizen and worry he may stalk her here...where to report it? :(

My friend is being horribly stalked and harassed online by a non-US citizen who currently outside of the US, but is causing her & her family serious concern for safety & wellbeing. He appears ...
Sprouts's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the legal & tax position of a UK person working remotely for UK firm, in non-UK locations, in Europe and globally?

This question is inspired by this question on I am mainly asking about a UK viewpoint, but am interested others (Europe, USA, commonwealth, etc), because at its root, this is ...
Stewart's user avatar
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What is a "family group" as it pertains to quarantine orders?

New York currently has travel restrictions in place, which require individuals coming in from specific states to quarantine for 2 weeks. They use the definition of "quarantine" as defined by ...
GendoIkari's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I get full refund after the correspondence flight gets cancelled in a booking trough a travel agency

I had made a booking to travel from London to Greece some days ago. There were two flights in the booking. The second flight got cancelled and I am looking for the travel agency to refund me for the ...
Datacrawler's user avatar
3 votes
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Are You Allowed to Buy Groceries While in Self Quarantine? [Canada]

Canadians returning to Canada must self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival. Does this mean that these people must stay in their homes, and are not allowed to leave to buy groceries? The government ...
Jon K's user avatar
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9 votes
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Can the Thai government legally ban Thai citizens from entering Thailand?

I read on that the Thai government will temporarily block all inbound travel. Can the Thai government legally ban ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
4 votes
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Executive Powers In The United States

Recently, Trump placed a travel ‘ban’ on non-citizens of the US and people from some other countries without direct relations with citizens of the US from travelling to the US during the pandemic. ...
Cotton Headed Ninnymuggins's user avatar
2 votes
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Hotel in Ibiza offers vouchers upon booking cancellation due to coronavirus

I had made 2 bookings with a hotel in Ibiza with a non-refundable rate few months ago. I used credit card to complete 2 bookings. 1 of the bookings costs less than £100, while the other costs more ...
hunterex's user avatar
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Can a US citizen be denied reentry - COVID-19

The UCLA states uncategorically that no US citizen can be denied re-entry. US officials notified passengers aboard the Diamond Princess that they would be denied re-entry "until you are no longer at ...
Dave Hill's user avatar
0 votes
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Dealing With A Private Institution Policy To Inspect All Encryption-capable Devices Leaving The Country

I am a student recently admitted to the University of Cincinnati, and I noticed something very peculiar and frightening in section 3.11 of their technology code of conduct. In light of clause 3.1, "...
Jack G's user avatar
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Is Law prepared to somebody leaving Earth regardless of the Outer Space Treaty?

I've read two other questions about Legality of space colonization and Am I legally allowed to build my own rocket and fly to space by myself?. And I'd like to raise the stakes from those questions. ...
PF4Public's user avatar
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Can Korean American men visit South Korea without being drafted?

I've read some things about how Korean American males 18 or older can't visit South Korea between the age of 18 and 35? 38? (inclusive?) without being drafted into the military. South Korea, of course,...
mic's user avatar
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