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Questions tagged [trespass]

The tort of intrusion upon another person's real property. For trespass to chattels see tags "theft" or "conversion." For trespass to the person see tags "assault" or "battery."

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0 votes
1 answer

Energy Supplier forced entry on a warrant issued in the name of a previous tenant

Someone moved into a property on July 1, informed the energy supplier who signed them up that day. Energy supplier had to remove a block on electricity supply as there was no electricity coming into ...
Patricio S's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Can they do this? [closed]

If I'm homeless living in a tent and I mow for this guy and he offers his back yard to put my tent well a few weeks later after mowing and racking weekly for free and clearing back yard of trash and ...
Samantha Michael Mitchell's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Are squatters rights real?

The term squatters rights traditionally refers to various forms of "adverse possession" which I know in most jurisdictions is a real thing, however the recent media focus on it seems to ...
jesse_b's user avatar
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2 answers

How long does is someone required to stay away if removed for trespassing?

I was just watching a breakdown of a police interaction in which a man was arrested for trespassing. He had been removed from a location the day before and told that if he came back he'd be arrested. ...
Ryan_L's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Breaking and entering vs trespassing

Scenario: A person is caught on the roof of a building without having any prior authorization to be there. When asked to leave by security/building personnel he complies. Security reports to the ...
JuicySeals's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Can video evidenced gathered whilst trespassing be used as the basis for a prosecution? [duplicate]

Occasionally the media run stories of animal rights protestors who've broken into a farm or abattoir and filmed evidence of animals being abused / mistreated. The videos often appear to be shot late ...
ConanTheGerbil's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Trespassing/squatting on commercial premises in England

Squatters moved into a disused pub in London on a Friday and a High Court order for their removal was not granted until the subsequent Thursday. The reporting states that it is not a crime to occupy ...
waiwai933's user avatar
  • 185
1 vote
1 answer

In US, if I trick a person into knocking a wrong door and the homeowner shoots them to death, what crime would I commit?

Let me start by saying that I'm not a US citizen nor living in the US (I live in a country where guns are illegal), and I'm not familiar with the difference between the gun laws in different states. ...
user141240's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Trespass in a public business

This question stems from an ugolord video who I know can be quite controversial. In the video a prankster sets the alarms on all of the devices in an apple store to go off at the same time and then ...
jesse_b's user avatar
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Can a land possessor distrain a trespasser's property?

A has entered B's land for lawful purposes. B commands A to leave, but B parks his ATV behind A's vehicle, obstructing its only avenue of backing out to drive away (there are three other cars parked ...
JD Montgomery's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it criminal trespass for a person who is otherwise allowed access to property to violate the owner's policy?

I have found myself wondering about this while looking at online discussion of the recent incident in which a US Senate staffer (allegedly) taped himself having sex with someone else in a ...
Gabriel Ravier's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

what kind of thing would nulify a criminal trespass warning

I live in Atlanta, Ga. One of my neighbors was recently taken to jail for a criminal trespass. He entered the property and was there for about two hours the police were called. what is the law on such ...
Gregory Watts's user avatar
1 vote
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If one is asked to leave a private premises can one take time to prepare to leave before lawfully being subject to forcible removal?

Bob is “politely asked” to leave a shop, but takes some moments to gather up his belongings. Charlotte is politely asked to leave a restaurant but finishes chewing the mouthful of food that she has ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Is a crime committed by using a made bed in an unused bedroom?

Bob once noticed that a particular door’s remote entry system was misconfigured (thus not properly locking the door upon it being closed) at an inpatient facility and that upon entering, there is a ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-5 votes
2 answers

Arrested for trespassing in church open to public [closed]

A friend in WA State was recently arrested and indicted for criminal trespassing at a church. Video evidence is clear: no disruption. No outstanding warrants nor trespass. A member of the church said ...
Davez's user avatar
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Would Jewish settlements on Palestinian territory be illegal if the settlers were Palestinian and they didn’t encroach on any already settled lands?

I’m trying to understand whether the individual settlers themselves are violating any laws (presumably Palestinian ones), and if so, which ones and how. Is it illegal under Palestinian law to enclose ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
2 votes
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Can a ban from a venue be nullified by subsequent admittance?

Bob was expressly told by an employee Emily of a business to never return to that location. A month later, he returns and Emily advises her colleague Colleen the Bob has been banned. A year later Bob ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Does a pub have a right to control the pavement outside it even if they have permission to place tables and chairs on that section of the pavement?

A pavement seems on a basic level to be a public piece of land. I’ve seen notices posted on the outside walls of businesses related to “applications for a pavement license”. Presumably a license to ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Legal implication of shutting another’s windows from the outside

Bob’s neighbour is playing loud music inside their property with the windows open. Bob knocks on the window asking them to kindly lower the volume. Nobody appears to be home, so Bob gently pushes his ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Trespass against easements?

Say someone has an easement across my land to access their property. They have an easement, so I am not allowed to interfere with their use of my land. I can't stand there and block their way. If two ...
interfect's user avatar
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How do computer trespass laws intersect with public records laws in Washington state?

Suppose a state-run organization in Washington state receives a public records request that is broad (but not overly broad). In attempting to fulfill the request, an employee discovers that some ...
wapublicemployee's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the difference between trespass on a venue and theft of services?

Alice sneaks into a concert venue and enjoys the show. Bob sneaks into a spa to enjoy a jacuzzi and steam bath. Charlotte sneaks past the usher into a cinema and watches a film. Have each of these ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the threshold of disruption caused necessary to establish an aggravated trespass?

Section 68 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 creates the offence of aggravated trespass turning the act into a crime from a mere civil tort. But the line seems rather fuzzy. So which ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How and when did trespass become a crime, or not a crime?

principally interested in the us and in England, but what are the origins of trespass being treated as not a crime in England, and conversely as a crime in the U.S.? As with terminology for civil ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Can personal data compelled by police able to be disclosed to a private business?

Bob is ejected from a private business as the police are called because the security guard felt his dietary proclivities were socially unacceptable in public. The police arrived and Bob was already ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Overriding offered contract acceptance methods with express written declaration

Bob would rather face the consequences of trespassing than pay for a license to occupy a privately owned parking spot. He pulls into the lot which says “by parking here you agree to pay £10/hour. Bob ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

What is the legal status of private parking charges fines? [duplicate]

Bob receives a letter from Debt Recovery Plus about an overtime parking charge from a private “creditor”. What legal authority do they have to levy such fines and what is the worst that could happen ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Decoding and publishing lock combination

Many combination locks can easily have their combinations decoded, even while the lock is shut. Suppose someone decoded the combination to a lock, wrote down the combination on a piece of paper, and ...
isaacg's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

What offence if any is committed by guessing a combination entry lock on a door?

If one effectively guesses the correct passcode to the lock so as to open it without causing any damage and then peacefully enters (seemingly a mere civil trespass) the (previously) secured premises, ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is this trespassing on US government property?

I live on a residential access road off of USDA property. Multiple times a week for the last 5 years, I have taken a walk down my road and on to the USDA property, walking on the main roads around the ...
Karena's user avatar
  • 69
22 votes
6 answers

Can you be issued a trespass warning on public property for no reason at all?

Lets say you're in the library or park. Both owned by the public (city). An employee asks you to leave. You ask why and they respond with "Because I'm telling you to". You refuse, and the ...
Digital fire's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is the China balloon breaking any laws?

There are news reports that China had sent a balloon over the USA. Some say it is reconnaissance and some say it is a weather balloon. Has China broken any US or international laws, such as spying or ...
Heddy's user avatar
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Has anyone been charged for stealing their own stuff?

Suppose someone "A" has a storage unit, and was told by the manager to remove their belongings by a certain date. "A" was then notified that the manager was leaving early and not ...
Ewade's user avatar
  • 21
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5 answers

A store security guard prevented me from entering a shop 30 min before the close, does he have the right to?

I tried to enter a shop that closes at 11 p.m. in France, at 10:30 p.m., and the store security guard prevented me from entering. Does he have the right to? If not, what could I do to go in? What do ...
Mathieu Nightown's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there legal precedent when there is no permission granted & a sibling enters your room? They were caught on camera

I am interested to know if trespass will be considered if its a family member. The door was closed & permission was not granted. There was nothing wrong being done but they just enter & walk ...
Benjamin Yap's user avatar
2 votes
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What exactly is prohibited in a 'prohibited place' under the Official Secrets Act?

Last summer, I drove past RAF Spadeadam in the north of England. I passed the following rather foreboding sign: Ministry of Defence This is a prohibited place within the meaning of the Official ...
CDJB's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Can one be banned from TfL services?

Btp are often keen to advise that station staff are entitled at their own discretion to refuse members of the public carriage or entry to the stations like any privately owned business and it becomes ...
JosephII's user avatar
0 votes
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Squatters removed by police for gas hazard concerns

Meet Alice. In 2021 Alice occupied a disused pizza restaurant in Soho as a squat and began making free pizzas for all in the kitchen using donated ingredients to raise awareness for a political cause....
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Karen sues a workshop for damages as she was trespassing and disregarding mandatory safety gear. Does she have a case?

Let's paint the scene: We work in the back of a metalworking workshop in Austin Texas. Huge machines make lots of noise, at times there are steel panels on the floor with access holes to access the ...
Trish's user avatar
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29 votes
7 answers

What are the actions a resident should take against police remaining, with no warrant, on residential property after being repeatedly asked to leave?

Police shows up on a residence's front door, starts encounter with resident. Resident decides to end consensual encounter, and asks officers to leave. Officer decline to leave and put foot on the door ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
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How are general damages for assault calculated?

For example, in discrimination suits, one has the Vento scale as a guide to calculating damages. Does anything similar exist for trespass to person?
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the difference between ownership and exclusive sovereignty in terms of US land law?

Yesterday a Law YouTuber by the handle 'Lehto's Law' made a video titled "Yes, You Own the Airspace Over Your Property" in which he describes that indeed you do own the air over your ...
tuskiomi's user avatar
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Is it a crime to sneak into a hotel pool?

Suppose a hotel pool is very easy to get into, although there is a sign that it is only for the hotel guests. Is getting caught punishable by law enforcement? This is in Orange County, Florida, USA.
Michael's user avatar
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How many days do you have to live somewhere in Texas before you have residency in a home?

A woman has to move in with her parents because she fears becoming homeless while her husband is on probation for a felony DWI. Over 4 years of probation while living there the parents become ...
newbiex10's user avatar
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Are you allowed to forcefully remove someone from your property if they don't leave after being told to in Germany? [duplicate]

Is it legal to forcefully push or drag someone out of your property if they refuse to leave after being told to? I am talking strictly about Germany's laws.
Cosmin Miculita's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it okay to push someone off your property if you've told them to leave but still didn't. Germany

I was in a fight with an apartment mate of mine. I have told her to leave my room after she took the remote and turned off my tv, but she did not leave. So I pushed her out of my room, she then ...
Alex's user avatar
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9 votes
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Who can stop a member of the public from peacefully protesting a private club who rents their space?

Assume a private club located in a shopping plaza in Austin, Texas and they rent their space from the plaza's owner. Also assume a member of the public, let's call him Larry, intends to stand outside, ...
Chameleon's user avatar
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A beggar forced me to give money

Backstory: A beggar beat (very hard) the gate of my room (a rental room in a residential building). I opened the gate and refused to give money. When I tried to close the door they forcefully entered ...
ShivCK's user avatar
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Kids climbing fence to pass through yard - homeowner's liablity?

Suppose a property owner does not mind if children, say aged 11 to 13, climb over their fence to use their property as a shortcut. What would their liability be if one of these children hurt ...
mtb-dad's user avatar
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May I bring weapons and/or defend myself when trespassing for a legal reason?

Let's say I have to trespass for a legal reason, e.g. a court order allows me to retrieve property. Am I allowed to defend myself while trespassing? Can I bring weapons or whatever is needed to defend ...
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