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Questions tagged [trespass]

The tort of intrusion upon another person's real property. For trespass to chattels see tags "theft" or "conversion." For trespass to the person see tags "assault" or "battery."

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9 votes
1 answer

Getting the neighbor kids off my lawn?

We've had 4 sets of neighbors kids grow up around us with no issue. Nice kids, nice parents, etc. The latest family has two young boys who like to camp out on my lawn and in my garden. I'm aware of ...
JTP - Apologise to Monica's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Am I liable if trespassers on my private property injure themselves?

If people trespass on my property (i.e. walk through my backyard without my permission) and they get injured (i.e. trip and break an arm or a tree branch falls on their head), am I liable under ...
Sajee's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Overriding offered contract acceptance methods with express written declaration

Bob would rather face the consequences of trespassing than pay for a license to occupy a privately owned parking spot. He pulls into the lot which says “by parking here you agree to pay £10/hour. Bob ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is it okay to push someone off your property if you've told them to leave but still didn't. Germany

I was in a fight with an apartment mate of mine. I have told her to leave my room after she took the remote and turned off my tv, but she did not leave. So I pushed her out of my room, she then ...
Alex's user avatar
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3 answers

What are the laws for trespassing in Germany?

Bobbi, national or equivalent of Germany, after admitted to enter, refuses to leave from public (government) premises at the close of business hours despite being given due notice. What laws and ...
kisspuska's user avatar
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42 votes
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Pokémon Go hot spots and private property

As we all know Pokémon Go is all the rage. There have been reports that police stations are common hot spots for gyms and collections. Churches have also been a common hot spot. I think there is ...
Mike's user avatar
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33 votes
2 answers

Do the police have to kick someone out the house if the owner demands it?

I phoned the police to kick my in laws out the house after they started to take my furniture when they were only meant to take theirs (splitting up with wife). They came but refused to kick them out ...
user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

What offence if any is committed by guessing a combination entry lock on a door?

If one effectively guesses the correct passcode to the lock so as to open it without causing any damage and then peacefully enters (seemingly a mere civil trespass) the (previously) secured premises, ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
6 votes
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Entering private property that is not enclosed

I want to find out which German laws regulate entering (on foot) private nonenclosed property. Example: A paved surface right next to a public sidewalk. No fence, no signs. It doesn’t have to be used ...
unor's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How is an area deemed unsafe and needing to be cordoned off?

How is an area deemed unsafe and needing to be cordoned off? Would it be the person at the top of the law enforcement agency (police chief or sheriff) who would make the decision that a particular ...
aparente001's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Canary Wharf - privately owned public space - is it possible to be banned from entering the area?

Canary Wharf in London is a privately owned public space. So far I have been found guilty of walking on a grass and jumping on a stone wall (part of a workout routine). I'm concerned that sooner or ...
Silly mistakes in the past's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can a would-be visitor be legally a tresspasser?

This is based on the thread Property Owners & Injury Liability w/ Signage (US, WV) on this site and the comments on my answer there. This is specifically about the law in West Virginia, but nswerd ...
David Siegel's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is the China balloon breaking any laws?

There are news reports that China had sent a balloon over the USA. Some say it is reconnaissance and some say it is a weather balloon. Has China broken any US or international laws, such as spying or ...
Heddy's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can I stick a "don't trespass" warning on my house?

My house doesn't have a fence. I witnessed multiple occasions of random people walking on my backyard, and taking water from the outer tap. Therefore I want to print a warning and stick it on my ...
Emily's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can I use the rating of different restaurants from different websites like Yelp on my own website?

I am thinking of creating a website with restaurants ratings. You would be able to search for restaurants and in the result list you would see the name of the restaurant and the ratings of different ...
jnbdz's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Trespassing or Public Property?

I'll start with some background info for my question. I'm a photojournalist based in Michigan. I was on (what appeared to be) a public sidewalk. I was taking photos of the Oakland County Jail for a ...
Alex Volpe's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it trespassing if you unlock a door to which you found the key?

I'm not looking for legal advice. I live in a shared house. Each bedroom has a lock on the door. I keep finding keys in communal areas, for example keys in the bottom of a cupboards. The keys look ...
Jullie W's user avatar
0 votes
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How are general damages for assault calculated?

For example, in discrimination suits, one has the Vento scale as a guide to calculating damages. Does anything similar exist for trespass to person?
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar